55. for all to rise, one must fall

Start from the beginning

As Vivian killed and sliced the guards and soldiers she faces, she thinks of how they killed her daughter.

Her anger and resentment towards those who took her daughter away from her drives her on, her chest breathing heavily and her eyes dangerously infuriated and she stares at the dead man beside her with rage and hatred. She lets out her anger and breaths angrily, feeling her throat sore from the intense emotions she is experiencing.

But she never stopped there. The flashbacks of the old war comes back to her.

For Vivian, the war never ended. She keeps fighting for her freedom, she cannot stop because she has lost so, so much. Her parents are gone, her husband is dead, and now her only daughter. Her entire life was taken away from her, her motherhood was taken by WICKED, now the only child that brought her joy and hope is gone.

The rage was flaring up her adrenaline rush, and her anger and anger is driving her to fight with even more determination because she cannot lose anymore, she will not be beaten down ever again.

Vivian's rage was so intense and overwhelming that she doesn't realize how far she's gone, she's in so much pain and agony that she is filled only with revenge. She stabbed the guards repeatedly with hatred in her eyes, as every force movement draws blood in her hands and face.

Anger, justice and revenge is consuming her, driving her to go too far but for her daughter she would do it. She never thought she would be so filled with rage, but she is and her actions show that she will do whatever it takes to save her daughter.

Over and over she stabbed the WICKED soldier below her. "I hate you..." she repeatedly breathed through gritted teeth, rage taking over as she stabs the man relentlessly, stabbing him to shreds. "I hate you.. I HATE YOU!" she screams, squeezing the knife deeply in the soldier's flesh, screaming in his face.

Bloods. That's all that she could see. That's all that she could feel splattered over her skin. Vivian turns her head cautiously to the end of the hall where she sees Carter has Thomas in a headlock with a knife pointed at his neck. She immediately sets her eyes on Thèrèse, grabs her by the throat and puts her knife to her neck. She hissed in anger as she stood facing Carter.

Vivian glared the man down, putting her knife to Thèrèse' throat, and coming face to face with the man she blames for everything: the man that took everything away from her.

Carter felt nervous as he faces off with the deranged woman, but he knew he had no choice.

She was grieving, crazy, and unhinged, and now he had to negotiate with her to keep Thomas alive. He had expected this to happen and he was ready to deal with it.

"Take your hands off him," Vivian said, looking straight at Carter, her eyes full of rage but her face emotionless. She takes a moment to check up on Thomas, her eyes narrowing when seeing he has been shot and the blood seeping from the bullet wound.

Teresa is standing infront of them, she looked scared and desperate as she tries to appeal to Vivian. The redhead woman' voice is cold and calculated as she glared Carter down, not showing any of her emotions but still feeling them deeply inside.

Carter noticed Vivian's observation towards Thomas before he moved his eyes to his daughter. "What, you think I care about some disappointment? She's not mine." Carter frowned. His words making Vivian tightened her grip harder around Thèrèse' neck.

Vivian blow a huff, already tightening the blade in her hand. "You're pathetic, Carter. You were a weak boy and you're a weaker man." Her jaw clenched, her hair dripping some sweats of exhaustion. "Let. him. go." the redhead woman breathed heavily.

𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐆𝐑𝐄𝐀𝐓 𝐖𝐀𝐑,     𝘁𝗵𝗲 𝗺𝗮𝘇𝗲 𝗿𝘂𝗻𝗻𝗲𝗿Where stories live. Discover now