39 - Harry Goes to Hogwarts

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Everyone excitedly looks forward to Harry's eleventh birthday. The joy of getting a Hogwarts letter is a memory all of us cherish, and we cant wait for Harry to have that experience. 

Like every year, James and Sirius go all out buying Harry gifts. 

While he's opening all those presents, I head through to the kitchen to make breakfast for everyone. 

As I'm making breakfast, an owl swoops in to drop off the mail and I grin when I recognise the Hogwarts wax seal. I walk through to the living room with the letter in my hand. 

"It's here," I say and Harry stands up excitedly, racing over and taking the letter from me. 

James goes and looks over Harry's shoulder as he opens and reads the letter. 

"Well, I guess we're going to have to take a trip to Diagon Alley next week." 


"Why do we have to go so early?" I complain as we head to Diagon Alley. James is as bright and cheerful as he usually is in the mornings - that jerk.

"It's not that early," He argues with an amused smile.

"It's too early," I say. "We're not all morning people."

He just chuckles, leaning in and kissing me.

"You can kiss me all you want, I'm still mad at you for making me wake up early."

"I'm only gonna acknowledge the first half of that sentence and kiss you all I want," He says cheekily. He then starts kissing me over and over until I burst into laughter.

"Okay, fine, you're forgiven. But you're lucky you're cute." 

He laughs, kissing me one more time. Soon, Harry is ready to go, so we floo to Diagon Alley. 

We first head to Madam Malkins to get Harry fitted for his robes. This doesn't take too long. We then go buy a cauldron, potion ingredients, a telescope, everything else on the list. 

We stop to get some ice cream and Harry asks about a dozen questions about Hogwarts. He's obviously been excited about Hogwarts for his whole life, but it seems as though the excitement keeps growing the closer it gets. 

All of a sudden, Sirius and Remus come walking over, Sirius has an owl cage in his hands with a snowy owl inside of it. 

"Another birthday gift," Sirius says, placing the cage down beside Harry. "Just so you have no excuse not to write." 

Harry grins and thanks him. 

"You already got him about a million birthday gifts," I point out. 

"Well, I wanted to get him something else," Sirius responds. "And I wanted to get him a new broomstick, but Remus said no." 

"First years aren't allowed to bring their own broomsticks," Remus argues. 

"It's a stupid rule," Sirius rolls his eyes. 

"Well an owl is great," Harry says. "I love her." 

Sirius ruffles Harry's hair with a grin. 

Once we've finished our ice cream, James takes Harry to Ollivander's to get a wand, while Sirius, Remus and I (and the owl) wait outside. 

"I cant believe Harry's actually going to Hogwarts this year," Sirius says. "It feels like just yesterday he was a tiny little baby." 

"Are you about to start crying?" I ask and he glares at me. 

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 09 ⏰

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