5 - Quidditch Jersey

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I wait for Dorcas as the common room begins filling up with people coming back from the Christmas break.

I smile as she finally walks through the door. I stand up and rush to give her a hug. She laughs and hugs me back.

"I missed you," She says.

"I missed you too," I respond. "I was so bored without you. Like really, how could I survive two whole weeks without our random late night talks?"

"I have not missed you keeping me up with your night-time existential crises."

"Nah, you love them," I say.

"I absolutely do not, but I tolerate them because you're apparently my best friend or something."

"Haha, you love me."

She rolls her eyes, an amused smile on her face.

"Wanna come to the Gryffindor common room with me?" She asks. "I want to go see Marlene."

"Sure." I shrug and we start walking. "Means I can see Remus again. And whack him."

"Why are you going to whack him?"

"That moron didn't want me to be alone, so he made James and Sirius hang out with me over the holidays."

"How dare he," She says sarcastically. "Oh the horror, you had to hang out with people."

"Exactly!" I exclaim and she chuckles. "It wasn't actually too bad though."

"But you're still going to whack him?"

"Yep." I nod.

"But it really wasn't too bad?" She asks. "I don't like the thought that you had a bad Christmas."

"No, I actually had fun," I say. "Turns out, James and Sirius aren't complete asses like I thought."

"Wow, never in my entire life did I think that you would admit that out loud."

"Me neither."

"Well, I'm glad to hear that you're finally getting along with your fake boyfriend," She says, a hint of teasing in her voice. "Which I still do not approve of by the way."

"Do you not approve of it because it's James, or because you don't approve of me fake dating anyone?"

"The second one," She says, already sounding done with my existence - and she's only been around me for like ten minutes tops, this has to be a new record. "It's just not a good idea, Y/n."

"Meh, it's fine, I'm having fun." I shrug. "And I'm getting books out of it."

"You are the most easily bought off person ever."

"Nuh uh."

We catch up as we walk to the Gryffindor common room. When we arrive, Dorcas tells the portrait the password and we head on in.

We walk over to Marlene and her friends, who we hang out with for a little while, but I don't really say anything. I soon spot Remus, so I tell Dorcas where I'm going before walking over to him.

"You're an ass," I say.

"Well that's an odd greeting," Remus responds confusedly.

"I told you I'd be fine by myself, you didn't need to tell James and Sirius to hang out with me."

"They told me that you seemed like you had fun," He argues. "So is it really so terrible that I asked them to keep an eye on you and make sure you're alright?"

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