37 - Wedding Celebration

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Planning Remus and Sirius' wedding with them over the past few months has been a lot of fun, but definitely very chaotic. Since neither Remus or Sirius talk to a majority of the members of their families, there's really no point in a big, proper fancy wedding, so they decided on a small celebration in our back garden. They don't even want to do a proper ceremony with vows - Remus said he'd drop dead on the spot if he had to do the vows thing anyways, but given there's going to be like five other people there, it's just way too embarrassing and he'd absolutely die - so it's really just us dressing fancy and having a barbecue and some cake. 

Even though it's just something small, James and I are determined to make sure it's perfect - possibly more determined than Sirius and Remus are. We decorate the garden with flowers and balloons, putting in way more effort than we probably should be. We also set up chairs and tables, a vase of flowers in the centre of each. 

The morning of the wedding celebration, James wakes up early - or normal time for him, he always wakes up early - and gets started with cooking, casting a spell on all the cooked food so it stays hot and fresh all day. 

There isn't really much else that needs to be done though, so all I really have do in the morning is double check that all the decorations still look good and set out plates and cutlery for the food. 

Remus, Sirius and everyone they invited soon arrive - Remus' parents, Sirius' cousin Andromeda and her husband and daughter, a few people from school and a couple old Order members - and the celebration is immediately in full swing. 

James and I hang around the barbeque, handing out food to everyone, and once everyone is fed, we go wander off to talk to people. 

I sit around and talk with Hope, it's been a few months now since I've seen her and I've missed her. 

Remus eventually comes and joins us at our table. 

"I am so tired of talking to people," He says. 

"Do we not count as people?" I question and he playfully glares at me. 

"You know what I mean," He rolls his eyes and I just grin. 

"Yeah, how dare people want to talk to you at your wedding. It's an outrage, really." 

"I should've sat somewhere else," He grumbles but doesn't move. 

"Are you having a good day at least?" Hope asks. "Despite having to socialise." 

"Yeah, I am," Remus says, looking over at Sirius with a smile on his face. "I'm really happy." 

"I'm glad to hear it," She says. "Why don't I go get us some drinks?" 

She stands up and heads over to the drink table. 

"Haha, you're in love," I say teasingly to Remus, who is still staring at Sirius. He shakes his head, chuckling amusedly and looking over at me. 

"You are too," He teases back. "And speaking of, do you think you'll be the next to get married?" 

I roll my eyes, knowing this topic was going to come up at some point today. 

"Wow, that's the first time I've teased you about that without you looking terrified," He says. "Do you want to marry James?" 

"I-" I glance over at James, who is currently laughing about something with Sirius and a few other people. "I'm beginning to get less and less opposed to the idea."
I look back over at Remus and see him grinning at me. 
"Piss off and stop looking at me like that." 

He just laughs. 

"I'm sorry," He says, sounding in no way apologetic. "I'm just happy you're finally getting over your commitment issues." 

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