1 - Irritating

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~*5 Years Later*~

"Y/n, come on, wake up," Dorcas says. 


"Seriously, it's our first day of sixth year and you're already refusing to get up for classes?" She questions amusedly. 


"You're going to have to get up at some point." 

"I don't really want to," I say and she just chuckles. 

"Get up, lazy." 

"Ughh, fine." 

I get my lazy ass out of bed and start getting ready for school. 

Dorcas and I head down to breakfast together, where we chat about our timetables as we eat. 

"Seriously, potions first thing on a Monday, it's-" But Dorcas is cut off by a loud explosion from the other side of the room. I don't even have to turn around to know who caused it. 

James Potter and Sirius Black are two of the most annoying people to grace the earth. They're loud and obnoxious and they think they're hilarious. They really act like they run the entire school. 

"Wow, look at that, day one and you already look ready to commit murder," Dorcas comments amusedly and I just scowl at her. "Come on Y/n, lighten up, they aren't all that bad." 

"They're horrible." 

"Their pranks can be funny, just admit it." 

"I wouldn't even admit that for a thousand galleons." 

She just rolls her eyes, a smile on her face. 

"Come on, we should head to class," She says. 

"We still have plenty time," I respond confusedly, looking down at my watch. 

"Well I want good seats," She argues. "Never again am I going to sit in the front row of any class." 

"Alright weirdo," I say, getting up off my seat and we head out the room. 

"When you sit at the front, the teachers call on you so much more," She argues. "Plus, if we sit at the back, we're more hidden and therefore don't have to pretend we're paying attention." 

"Good point." 

"Thank you for finally appreciating my genius." 

"I never called you a genius." 

"It was implied." 

"No it absolutely was not." 


"We should not have this much homework already," I complain to Remus as we sit in the library. 

"Well it is the start of our N.E.W.T years, it makes sense that we're going to have a lot of work to do," He responds. 

"I don't care, it still sucks." 

"You really are a miserable human being," He comments. 

"Yep, but you love me." 

He just chuckles. 

We sit and talk quietly as we both do our homework, telling each other about our summers, until suddenly there's a loud presence in the library. 

"Moony, there you are!" Sirius yells happily as him, James and Peter walk in our direction. Madam Pince shushes him, though he doesn't seem to notice - if he does notice, he certainly doesn't care. 

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