6 - Hogsmeade Trip

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"Y/n, you need to wake up," Dorcas says, nudging me awake. "The Hogsmeade trip is today." 

"I am awake," I mumble, not moving or opening my eyes. 

"Fine, if you miss the carriages, that's on you," She grumbles, apparently giving up. 

I hear her leave the room, assumingly off to breakfast. I lay in bed for a little while longer before finally getting up. 

I quickly get ready for the day, but I really should've listened to Dorcas and woke up earlier because I'm very much so on the verge of being late. 

Dorcas walks back into the room, handing some breakfast to me, which I thank her for. 

I eat and then together we head outside, making our way down to the carriages that will take us to Hogsmeade. 

We talk all throughout the carriage ride, but part ways once we get to the village. I walk around for a little while, attempting to find James. 

I'm looking for quite a while without being able to find him, but just as I'm about to give up, he comes sprinting over. 

"Sorry... I'm late..." He says, panting as he tries to catch his breath. "Sirius... is a dick..." 

"It's fine," I respond amusedly, trying not to laugh. "Do you need a drink? I could go get you something." 

He shakes his head. "I've got water in my bag." 

We go sit down on a bench and James has a drink and manages to breathe again. 

"So, what exactly did Sirius do?" I ask. 

"The dickhead stole all my trousers this morning," James answers and I cant help but laugh. "Turns out he thought it would be funny to stick them all to the ceiling of the common room." 

"When the hell did he even find the time to do that?" 

"My thoughts exactly!" James exclaims. "But apparently he couldn't sleep last night and decided it would be funny to mess with me." 

"So, I see that you're wearing trousers, how'd you get them back?" 

"Stole his hairbrush," He shrugs. "We traded." 

"Of course," I chuckle. 

"Well, now that I can breathe," He says. "I do believe I promised you some books. Let's go m'lady." 

Standing up from the bench, he jokingly bows, extending his hand to me. I laugh and take his hand. 

Together, we walk to the bookstore. 

Once we get there, I'm still hesitant to pick out books - I just feel weird letting other people buy me things - which James seems to notice. 

"Y/n, I've already told you, you can get as many books as you want," He insists. 

"Are you sure?" 


We chat as we wander around the bookstore. I find about three books that I've been wanting to buy, and I felt like that was enough but James encouraged me to get more, and in the end I got seven new books. I once again feel bad about James wasting his money on me, but he doesn't seem bothered. He just cheerfully pays for the books and even insists on carrying the bags. 

"James, seriously, I can at least take one of the bags," I insist, trying to grab one of the bags from him. 

"Nope, we're on a date," He argues. "It is the gentlemanly thing to do." 

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