22 - Dresses and a Date

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"Cas, you look stunning," I say as Dorcas tries on another wedding dress. 

"You've said that about every dress," She complains. "I brought you with me because I want your honest opinion." 

"You've looked great in every dress," I argue. "You're beautiful, the dresses are beautiful, you'd look great in any of them." 

"Okay, if I wanted to hear talk like this, I would've just brought Marlene," She says. "Just point out one thing you don't like about the dress." 

I study it for a second. 

"I don't really like the lace, it's too boring." 

"Okay, see now that's what I want." 

"Me to point out things I hate?" 

"Yes, it's something you're very skilled at, you're an extremely negative person," She says. "So we do that until we find a dress that you cant find any problems with." 

"Why don't we find a dress that you don't have any problems with?" 

"Because they're all so pretty and I think my judgement is a little clouded because I'm excited about how close the wedding is getting. I don't want to get a dress that I'm going to eventually hate the more I stare at it." 

"You could just not stare at the dress." 

"But its pretty." 

She tries on a bunch more dresses and we have so much fun. 

Eventually, she finds one that is absolutely amazing. Neither of us can find a single thing we dislike about it. It's perfect. 

"Alright, now you need to try on dresses, we need to find you a gorgeous bridesmaid dress." She says. 

"We don't have to do that now," I respond. "Today should be all about you." 

"Nonsense, come on." 

We then spend a few more hours with Dorcas grabbing all the nice dresses she can find until there's one that looks great on me that we both love. Apparently Dorcas and Marlene don't care about wedding themes and colours and stuff like that, so me and the other people they've asked to be bridesmaids don't need to all be in the same colour and dress, they just want us to wear whatever dress we're comfortable in, which is really nice. 


I sit boredly in an Order meeting and my eyes begin to wander around the table. More people have been joining the Order recently, so the group just gets bigger and bigger. Which is great, it's amazing to have more people on our side of the war and able to do missions and such. 

My eyes drift over to the red-head identical twins, Fabian and Gideon Prewett. Remus went on a mission with them last week and said that they're cool. I knew of them from our school years, but they were a few years above us and in Gryffindor, so I never interacted with them, but from what I heard, they were very well liked. They were mischievous and often pulling pranks, and seemed to enjoy taking advantage of the fact that they're identical and would often switch places just for a laugh. Apparently James and Sirius looked to them for pranking inspiration more than once. 

"Quit staring and just go talk to them once the meeting is done," Dorcas whispers in my ear. 

"I wasn't staring," I mumble. "I accidentally zoned out while looking in their direction, there's a difference." 

"You're an idiot." 

"Maybe I will go talk to them, make new friends, ones that are less mean to me." 

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