33 - Happiest Christmas

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Christmas fast approaches, and I'll be celebrating it for the first time in years. Over the past few years, Christmas has just been like every other day, I would use it to get some random things done around the house or catch up on reading. I'm really looking forward to actually celebrating this year. 

I'm very prepared with presents, everyone's gifts being bought and wrapped by the first week of December. This is an absolute Christmas miracle for me, I'm usually doing this last minute and stressing about it. 

On Christmas morning, I wake up and go make myself some breakfast. 

I don't change out of my pyjamas - James explicitly told me not to, Christmas is apparently a pyjama day - before flooing to James' house. 

I smile at James, who is sitting on the floor with Harry, unwrapping presents. 

"Hey," I say, joining them on the floor. "Merry Christmas." 

"Merry Christmas," James responds, leaning in and pressing a kiss to my cheek. 

"Cute jumper," I comment. James is wearing a red Christmas jumper with a weird looking reindeer on it. 

"Thanks." He laughs. 

"Here's your present by the way," I say, handing him the gift. 

"Thank you. Yours is somewhere in the pile of presents, I'm not too sure where though. It'll show up eventually." 

I chuckle. 

"So, what time are Remus and Sirius getting here?" I ask. 

"I'm not sure." James shrugs. "I'm guessing they'll take a little while. You do know what Remus is up to, right?" 

"Of course I am, who do you think helped him plan it?" 

"Right, obviously," He chuckles. "This is so exciting." 

Remus is proposing to Sirius. He decided to do it on Christmas since it's Sirius' favourite holiday and it was around Christmas that they said 'I love you' to each other for the first time. 

And his plan is so cute. He's going to bring Sirius breakfast in bed and he's wrapped the ring box up in wrapping paper, and he's going to give it to Sirius once he finishes eating. 

"Ooh, there's your present!" James exclaims suddenly, changing the subject. 

I laugh as he hands me the gift. 

We both simultaneously unwrap our presents and I smile at what James got me. 

He got me two gifts. The first is a mug, it's really cute, it has little forest animals on it. The second gift he got me is a notebook, the leather cover has our initials on it in a little golden heart. 

"The mug is obviously just because it's cute," He explains. "And the notebook is so you have somewhere to write down the story you've been thinking about writing for the past several months." 

"James, it's barely even a full idea, I don't even think it's that good, I don't think I should bother writing it, I-" 

"Hey, I believe in you," He says softly. "From what I've heard you say about the idea, it's really good. You absolutely should write it. And now you've got somewhere cute to write it down." 

"Thank you." I softly smile. "For the gift and for believing in me." 

"I always will, you know that." 

I smile even more, cuddling my head into his shoulder to hide the fact that I'm most likely blushing. James chuckles, probably having guessed what I was doing, and tightly wraps his arms around me, pressing a kiss to the top of my head. 

Game of Heartbreak - James Potter x ReaderNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ