9 - Werewolf

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"Y/n, wake up, you cant sleep the entire holiday away," Remus says, standing in the doorway of my bedroom. I'm still wrapped up in a blanket, my face buried deep in a pillow.

"I can try," I mumble.

"How Dorcas manages to wake you up on time every day for school is a complete mystery to me," He says and I look up from the pillow just to glare at him. He just chuckles. I can't help but notice that he looks exhausted and is clearly doing a terrible job at hiding it. "Come on, it's lunch time."

"Alright, I guess lunch is a decent reason to be awake."

Remus just smiles amusedly as I get out of bed and together we head downstairs and sit down at the kitchen table.

"Morning, or should I say afternoon," Hope says teasingly. "A letter arrived for you earlier by the way."

She hands me an envelope and I immediately know it's from James. I grin and rip open the envelope.

To my lovely, beautiful, wonderful, amazing, beautiful girlfriend,
Hi! I miss you!
How has your holidays been? Mine has been pretty great. I've spent most of it playing quidditch with Sirius or spending time with my parents. And thinking about you, obviously.
I don't know if Remus has told you yet, but Sirius and I are going to be coming over to stay for a week or two, still won't be for another few days though, Sirius and I are celebrating my dad's birthday. Actually, depending on when this letter arrives, it could be just tomorrow that we'll be coming. Maybe I'll be there when this arrives, who knows!
Anyways, hope you're having a nice time, I can't wait to see you,
From your magnificent boyfriend :)

I'm probably smiling like an idiot as I read over the letter. It's only been three weeks since I've last seen him, but I do miss him a lot.

Remus has already told me about the plans for James and Sirius to come stay. Plus, James has been writing non-stop about the possibility to come visit since he found out that I was staying at Remus'. I'm excited about it.

Remus and I have lunch and then afterwards I head upstairs to write a response to James.

To my (apparently) magnificent boyfriend,
I miss you too. A lot.
Also, did you mean to write beautiful twice or do I need to teach you some new adjectives?
My holidays have been pretty good, nothing has changed since you last wrote to me. Still just hanging out with Remus and reading a lot. I'm glad you're having fun.
And yes, I am aware that you'll be coming over, might I remind you that you haven't shut up about it since before the plans were even made. I am really looking forward to seeing you.
I hope your dad has a good birthday, and you'd better bring me a slice of birthday cake.
See you soon,
From your girlfriend who misses you very much. 

Remus walks into the room just as I finish up writing. I notice that he still looks exhausted, he's looked that way for a few days now.

"You alright?" I ask as he sits down on my bed.

"Yeah, yeah, I'm fine," He insists quickly.

"You look like you need a nap," I comment.

"Maybe I do," He says quietly before shaking his head and continuing on with whatever he came in here to say originally. "Anyways, I was thinking, what are the sleeping arrangements going to be when James and Sirius come here? Because like, I'm fine with Sirius sleeping in my bed with me, and James would usually take the bed in here but obviously you're sleeping here and-"

He trails off a little.

"I'm fine with whatever." I shrug. "James and I can talk about it when he gets here."

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