29 - A New Start

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3 Years Later... 

Today, work is slow, so I focus on reorganising the bookshelves. I'm totally lost in a daydream as I do the task. 

"Excuse me?" A small, hesitant voice snaps me back to reality. 

I turn around and see a young boy that looks almost identical to James. Over the past three years, I've only seen James a couple times, so I've never been around Harry, but Sirius has shown me enough pictures that I know that the kid is practically his father's clone. 

"Are you alright?" I ask the boy. 

He shakes his head, tears in his eyes. "I was at the quidditch shop and looking in the window and there was a really cool broomstick and then dad was gone." 

"So you're lost?" I ask and he nods. "Alright, well come with me and we'll go find your dad." 

"Okay," He mumbles. I extend my hand out for him to hold onto and he happily grabs my hand. 

"Sarah, are you fine watching the shop for a couple minutes until I'm back?" I ask my co-worker. 

"Yeah, go ahead," The girl responds. 

"I wont be long," I say as Harry and I walk out of the store. 

I look around the busy street. Since the war ended, Diagon Alley became lively again. Old shops reopened, new shops appeared, and now every day the street is filled with people shopping. 

We walk in the direction of the quidditch shop since that's the last place Harry was with James, so it's the best hope for finding him. 

And we do manage to find him quite quickly. James is frantically searching through the crowd, his head whipping around wildly and his eyes look panicked. 

"James!" I call out and he turns to look at me. He then spots Harry and calms down tremendously. He runs over, immediately lifting his son into his arms, holding him close. 

"Bloody hell, I was so worried," James says, sounding completely out of breath. "Y/n, thank you so much." 

"It was no problem," I shrug. "He came into my work and approached me, I wouldn't just like kick him out and not help him find you." 

"Your work?" James questions. 

"The bookstore beside the café," I explain. "I own it." 

"Ah, so you finally got that bookstore you wanted." He smiles. 

"You remember?" 

"Of course I do. It was your one life goal and I remember jokingly bullying you for being a nerd for it." 

"You're alive!" Sirius exclaims suddenly, rushing over and stealing Harry from James. 

Remus walks up, rolling his eyes slightly. 

"I did what you said," Harry says to Sirius. "When I was lost I went to the bookshop." 

James looks at his best friend in confusion. 

"I told him that if he ever gets lost, to go to the bookshop, I knew Y/n would recognise him and help," Sirius explains. "In my defence, you let me babysit him a lot, and I've got a short attention span, he's got a short attention span, he's gonna wander off at some point without me noticing. This was the best solution." 

"Okay, well it's not like I can get mad at you for worrying about losing him when I actually lost him," James says. 

"He said he was distracted looking at the quidditch store," I say. 

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