14 - Christmas With James

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I wake up in confusion when I hear the sound of the door opening. I sit up quickly, grabbing my wand, but I sigh in relief and put my wand back down when I see it's just James.

"Don't scare me like that," I mumble tiredly, flopping back down onto my bed.

"Sorry," He says, coming and sitting down beside me. "I was coming up here to surprise you, but I realise now how hearing someone randomly walk in your room while you're sleeping is terrifying. I brought breakfast though." 

"Okay, food makes up for you scaring the crap out of me," I say, sitting up again and resting my head on his shoulder. He chuckles slightly, kissing the side of my head. "You didn't have to bring food up here though."

"Well I wanted to," He responds. "Plus, you clearly do not enjoy getting out of bed, so I assumed you wouldn't be coming down to breakfast any time soon."

"The bed is just so comfy," I say. "Why would I ever want to leave?" 

"I don't know, to do things maybe?" 

"I can do plenty of things right here," I say. "Most of my books and some school stuff is in the drawers or on my bedside table, so pretty much anything I need ever is within arms reach. And I have chocolate, crisps, other snack. I'm totally set to just live here."

"If it wasn't for class, I'm sure you would."

"I absolutely would."

He just laughs. We spend the morning talking and feasting on breakfast. It's lovely.


After a long day of doing nothing with James, I have a bath and get ready for bed. Just as I'm about to sit down, there's a knock on the door.

I go open it, and to no shock, it's James.

"What's wrong?" I ask.

"I missed you," He answers.

"You saw me just over an hour ago, and we spent all day together," I respond. "There's no way you'd be missing me after that time. What's actually wrong?"

"My dorm is too quiet," He mumbles. "I cant sleep."

"Come sleep in here with me then," I say and he grins. He grabs my hand and we walk over to my bed.

We cuddle up under the covers and James begins twirling my hair in his hand.

"This might sound random as fuck, but do your dorm mates just take like everything they own when they go home for Christmas?" He asks. "Like, I'm looking at their areas and there's just nothing."

"Oh, they just don't sleep here, haven't in a few years," I respond. "After Dorcas came out they were being homophobic assholes. They refuse to stay in here because, and I quote, they're 'scared the lesbian is going to watch them change'."

"What dicks," He says. "Seriously, how conceited do they have to be to think that Dorcas would even want to look at them."

"Yeah, that's what I said," I say. "Then I called them homophobic bitches and threatened to chop their hair off as they slept if they didn't stop being dicks. Then they asked to move into a different dorm room."

"So it's just you and Dorcas in here?" He asks. "That's actually pretty cool."

"Yeah, it's fun. We can stay up all night and talk without bothering anyone, and we have more storage space."

"Sucks that Dorcas had to deal with that though," He says. "Homophobia sucks."

"Oh, she's fine," I say. "I mean, it obviously sucked at the time, but now we just joke about it and find it hilarious. Like we have the entire room to ourselves just because Dorcas thinks women are hot, it's so funny, they're not even her type."

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