xray 7-7

14 2 1

(this is going to be a doozy. youve been warned. inspired by chosen ones by dream evil

gonna call it something pretentious like new kingdom or chosen kingdom)

your the queen. or at least, you were until your husband died and his brother took over.

your god has revealed himself to....someone (prophet to be determined) and told them this kingdom is done for in a few royal generations or so. so now the local holy order of knights has set up a big expedition to found a new kingdom for your son, the prince.

and since his highness isnt yet old enough to read, reach the kitchen counters without a stool, or put his shoes on by himself, your going with him as his regent, along with the commander of the expedition and knights coming with you, now grandmaster jack taylor as co regent.

its a big deal. dozens of ships with expert crews. dozens of any livestock you can think of. supplies for years. along with the knights and sailors, theres craftspeople, farmers, carpenters, metalsmiths- any one necessary for this new kingdom. they even send tutors and toymakers and what not for the young prince. the young knights that volunteered to go have even beeen released from their oaths and are allowed to be married. 

further proof your not coming back.

the big day finally arrives, and everyone starts loading onto the ships

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