tango 6-6

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(150 parts woohoo!

anyway another old west scenario)

you are a daughter of an affluent middle-high class family, maybe back east. you detest the fancy trappings, the thought of being married off to some stuffy old twit or taking over your families business.

enraptured by the freedom and adventures in your dime novels about the west, you pack up your things, any pets or children, and head west. you make it to a little cow town where you hear about a man in the hills living in a homestead by himself in a valley. so, naturally you make your way over to this homestead, make yourself at home in his cabin and announce youll be his new wife with little preamble or fanfare

you both find out something real quick: he cant get rid of you, and you were woefully unprepared for the life of a frontier woman

(note there were marriages without, well marriage. something called common law marriage. if you lived together long enough you were husband and wife. all but one of wyatt earps marriages were common law, and so was doc holiday and kate horonys marriage)

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