zulu 6-6

20 0 1

(im thinking wild west but i wonder if 1840s-mountain man era would fit more)

your family is the head of a trading post/farming settlement deep in the west. 

you had a neighbor- if you can call him that.

jack taylor lived in the mountain valleys you and your neighbors wont go up to. he keeps a very small herd of cattle, hunts, traps, whatever a mountain man like him does. he only comes down once a year to sell things and buy items like dry goods like flour, sugar and salt, ammunition, maybe even a hog or two. 

your father is keen on keeping such a strong and talented young man around. and what better way than to have him as a son in law?

so now your charged with pestering jack, keeping him in the trading post longer than he usually does and ultimately convince him to marry you 

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