Chapter 24

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Gunshots fired all around as the recruits practiced on the training grounds. Nox had done his part of the deal and kept anyone from noticing that she and Dustin had been gone, so none of the fellow gunmen nor the Commander asked any questions. She wondered just how the Major managed to do it, but she was too pissed to actually ask him. After he threatened her that morning, he punished her for being reckless and sleeping with Dustin, trying to set her straight. She was still sore, and in some areas, in pain. But she did well at hiding it so that no one else would notice that something was wrong.

Dustin was the hardest to convince. He kept his eyes on her the whole time during practice, saying nothing, but seemingly noticing everything. She especially didn't want him to know what Nox had done to her, and she needed to avoid another night with him so that he wouldn't be exposed to her fresh wounds. She knew he would be angered beyond control, and going against the Major would be a deadly mistake. Nox was no human; he was a Faerie with the power to crush the whole Kingdom if he wanted to.

She tried to ignore those beautiful emerald eyes and instead focused on her target up ahead. She imagined it was a handsome face with raven black hair and golden eyes before she shot it over and over again ruthlessly. She couldn't take out her frustrations on Nox himself. She knew better than to challenge him any further. But despite his brutality and punishments, she didn't fear him as long as she clung to her end of the bargain. She didn't belong to him, and she could still put him in his place while their deal lasted. But as soon as it was over, she would be completely at his mercy. Until then, she refused to let him control her. He was the tool being used for her own selfish gain, not the other way around.

Every shot she made was just as perfect as the one before. The normal look of disdain and envy on Dustin's face was gone. That look she used to relish in seeing. But now he observed with admiration. She would catch him smiling to himself each time she made a perfect shot before he would pretend to focus on his own target. His aim was just as skilled as her own, his target having an empty space where the center used to be. At least she wasn't distracting him from his work.

"Attention!" The Commander called. Instantly all of the recruits halted their practice and spun on their heels, holding their musket at their side with their free hand behind their backs. Harley was surprised to see that Colonel Lucious was standing next to the Commander, eyeing each recruit firmly, his eyes revealing nothing. She wondered just how long he had been there, watching them. Suddenly her stomach turned anxiously. She hoped she had impressed him, even though her thoughts had been elsewhere.

After a few moments of painful silence, the Colonel finally spoke, "As you all know, our Captain has been demoted recently. This means that we are in need of filling the position as quickly as possible. Tonight is also marking the King's 59 year reign. There will be a celebration, and all are welcome. The new Captain will be announced during the ceremony." Harley resisted the urge to smile to herself, keeping her eyes fixed straight ahead and refraining from glancing over at Dustin. Her time was about to come. She would be one step closer to becoming the next Colonel and getting her revenge.

"This will be a black tie event," the Colonel added. "That will be all."

"At ease," said the Commander. The recruits relaxed their postures and began to reload their muskets, preparing for another round of training. Harley kept one eye on the Commander and the Colonel as they privately spoke among themselves. It went on for a few moments before the Colonel spared her a quick glance, then he was on his way. He mounted his horse and rode off towards the castle. It was then that the Commander met her gaze, and he offered her a reassuring smile. His smile looked just like her mother's...

She shook her head and slipped a bullet into the bullet chamber, one after another. Now when she raised her musket and aimed at the target, her mind was no longer on Nox. It was on the celebration that was yet to come. And the announcement on who was going to be the next Captain. She had already spoken with the King and the Colonel about taking the position for herself. She was thrilled knowing what was going to come of it. She had told no one about it. Not a single soul knew she was up for consideration except for the four people that were in the room that day.

Harley dared to glance over at Dustin as he focused ahead, aiming his gun. He had no idea that she was going to be named the new Captain. And she wondered how he was going to react. She supposed it was going to tell her how he truly felt about her. If he really did wish to see her soar, he should be proud of her achievement. Genuinely. But if he was only pretending to want her to succeed, then surely he would react with rage and jealousy. He had been among the recruits longer than her after all, and he was just as skilled. It should piss him off to know that the only reason he wasn't picked was because he was a man. Harley represented a new world, one where women could be equal to men. She needed that position more than anyone else. Especially more than any man.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 01 ⏰

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