Chapter 8

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A duel. They were only legal within the Kingdom under the supervision of an officer, such as a Commander, or anyone of higher rank than those partaking in the duel. This was to ensure there will be no foul play. It prevented anyone from murdering someone in cold blood and claiming they had a duel that could not be proven. Not only was the duel meant to be supervised, it also needed to be signed on paper. More proof to prevent murder charges. Normally duels were done with blanks, not real bullets, to abstain from seriously injuring or even potentially killing the opponent. Duels to the death were rare, and only called for when someone's life is already on the line. And in Dustin's eyes, his life was at stake. It was either live without owing his life to the woman who saved him, or die trying. That was how much he hated her.

It kept Harley up the entire night. She had never been challenged to a duel before, and it was to the death. She could end up killing a human being; her own teammate. She didn't want to kill him. But she didn't want to die, either. She didn't know what she was going to do. When he had asked for the duel, she was too shocked to give an answer right away. And when he pressed, she snapped and accepted without thinking. Now she was stuck. The only thing she could think of to do was call Major Nox for advice. As soon as he arrived she explained everything to him. In response, he rubbed his forehead with frustration as he stood leaning against the wall by her fireplace. She was seated in the rocking chair across from him, her head hung low.

"How could you accept such a foolish duel?" said the Major with a sharpness in his tone. He was angry with her. Again. "Do you realize what this will do to our plan? You could have used him to better your image if you hadn't accepted. Now if he dies in a duel, you will lose all of the respect you've gained after all these years. Not to mention how futile your hard work will have been if you die." Harley shook her head lightly without looking up at him, "I'm sorry. I wasn't thinking." Nox tapped his foot on the wooden floor as if he were in thought. "Is it already in writing?" he finally asked. Harley heaved a disappointed sigh, "Yes. He didn't waste any time to go to the nearest nurse and have her witness it. It's set in stone now." The Major released a heavy sigh of his own, and she finally looked up at him. He was staring at her with angry eyes, his arms crossed and his finger tapping his arm with thought.

"Then you have no choice," he said with an angry shrug. "You already have a witness. What's done is done. If you back out now, there will be great consequences that neither of us are willing to deal with. At least now if you win your greatest rival will be out of your way." Harley frowned. She didn't want Dustin to die, and she didn't want to win against him like that. She wanted him to keep pushing her with his hatred. She would earn much more respect that way if she went up in ranks. And now that the Captain was a Commander, that position was open for the taking. She wanted it for herself. But now the duel was going to damage her chances. Dammit. If only she had thought before she accepted the duel.

"When will it happen?" Nox asked.

"As soon as he's healed enough to hold his musket."


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