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I had a thirst for blood, and I was desperate to get it.

My bare feet had become numb from walking through the snow. Thorns snagged my crimson cloak as it drug behind me. A shiver shook through me with a howl from the icy wind. My teeth chattered, and my fingers had turned blue.

Yet, the rage that fueled  my blood, my heartbeat, made me keep going. I had known the forest was forbidden. I was always warned about the Fae that called those woods home. They were hideous beasts, known for having powerful magic and wearing beautiful skin to charm people into their traps. The Fae were clever and devious, masters of deceit. Making a bargain with one would be like striking a deal with the devil. Persuasive and cunning.

The further I delved into the silent and white woodland, the closer I became to being skinned alive and having my bones used as Fae adornments. I jumped at every sound, expecting the birds, deer or foxes to be a shapeshifting Faerie. Terror crept through me, taking hold of my heart. My breath was frozen in my lungs as I strained to hear each sound of the woods. But, aside from the snow crunching underfoot and the occasional whispering wind and creaking branches, I was surrounded by eerie silence.

The sky was growing darker. I had lost track of how long I had been stumbling like a fool in the forbidden forest. The cold should have killed me. And as my bones stiffened by the minute, I knew I would be dead soon enough.

Somehow my heart was closed off from the thought of death. No longer did I fear the mysterious darkness that was inevitable. I would walk any distance, endure any pain and conquer any power that I met. And if it was my fate to die because of my foolish determination, then I would take my enemy with me. Spilling their blood and watching as the life leaves their eyes was my reason for living.

It was my very heartbeat.

Another set of footsteps crunched from behind. I froze where I stood. Chills crawled down my spine, and it wasn't from the cold.

I was not alone.

With bated breath and my heart hammering, time slowed as I turned to look over my shoulder.

A dark figure loomed over me. Its coat of black fur was familiar to me, and my fear of the wolf was instilled in my heart.

But it was no wolf.

I crept as I turned to face the creature. It had a body shaped like a human male, covered in thin fur. Patches of pale skin revealed bloody wounds from what I could only have been battles. Sharp bones jutted from beneath its flesh, and horrible claws splashed with dried blood extended from its bony fingers.

It was terrifying and shocking. And as I dared to gaze upon its face, bile rose in my throat as my stomach turned.

A wolf's skull rested upon its shoulders, bloody and fleshless. The eye sockets were hollow. A pair of deer antlers erupted from the top of its head, broken and splintered.

Its muzzle breathed out a puff of steam in the frozen and still air. A bone chilling growl rumbled in its throat as its jaws separated. I shivered. Somehow, I believed that was its sinister smile.

When it spoke a chill crawled down my spine. It had a smooth, alluring voice. If such a lovely sound had come from a man I might have melted with ecstasy. However, it only deepened my horror. Faerie were masters of beautiful lies.

"Sweet little human," it cooed. "have you lost your way?" A curious tilt of its head came with the question. It sounded friendly and concerned. If it had come from a human, I would have fallen for it.

I was still as stone. I wanted to warn it that I knew their tricks so I could get to the point. But my throat had locked up as uncertainty kept me silent.

Its head tilted the other way. "You smell of fear. I can see your violent trembling, and your lovely skin has become blue." I tensed as it took a step closer and leaned over me until its hot breath huffed on my face. I gagged and covered my mouth and nose. It smelled of rot and decay.

"You must be desperate to come this far in your condition. Tell me, sweet girl, why have you come to the forbidden Faerie lands?"

Slowly, I breathed in through my nose to calm myself, and I clasped my cloak together in my hand above my breast.

"I've come to make a bargain," came my reply, failing to hide my uncertainty from my voice. The Faerie huffed. "It is I who offers a bargain, yet you, a weak little human come to me? What have you to offer me that I desire?"

An image entered my mind of my eyes being plucked out, my skin being torn from my bones and being bound to be bled so the Fae could drink my blood like sweet wine. I nearly fell to the ground to throw up my last meal. It was horrible and disgusting.

However I had known the cost when I decided to see the Fae. I had considered every option, and I realized I was willing to do anything to get what I wanted. As long as I reached my goal, I cared not what happened to me afterwards.

I swallowed my fear and looked into the beast's hollow eyes, "My gold and silver were taken from me along with everything else. I have no riches nor treasures to offer to satisfy your greed. All I have left to myself. My body. My heart and blood and bones. My devotion and passion."

The skull tilted again with a low rumble. "Are you willing to disown yourself entirely and surrender to whatever shall be my delight? Are you truly so desperate to detach yourself from your precious humanity?"

Without hesitation, I nodded slowly. The Fae took another step to bellow into my ear, "Will you become mine, sweet little human, and hand over the freedom to do as I wish once your desire is satisfied?"

I didn't need to consider the conditions. I had already made up my mind.

"It's a bargain."


Here is my next book, Crimson Bones! It's my own version of Red Riding Hood, but much darker. I will be working on this while simultaneously working on Dragon Champion. So, I will be posting one chapter for each book as soon as a chapter is written.

Please leave a vote and a comment if you like it, or just comment and tell me you don't like it! Any feedback will be appreciated, just don't be bullies about it. Thank you and enjoy!!! :D

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