Chapter 11

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"What took you so long?"

Nox was seated by the fireplace, one leg crossed over the other while his arms were crossed over his chest. His eyes were dark with displeasure and impatience. Harley had known she would suffer his wrath for taking too long at the infirmary, but it was well worth it. Now she wouldn't have to go after a Faerie heart all on her own, and she had a way out of the duel with Dustin. But for now, she would just have to find some way to make it up to Nox. That wasn't going to be too difficult.

She removed the coat to her uniform and hung it on the coat rack beside the front door as she replied, "I'm sorry, but I had to make a visit to the infirmary." She paused when she started to unbutton her white undershirt, her eyes meeting Nox's. "And what could have been so important that you had to make such a visit and keep me waiting?" Nox replied bitterly. Harley removed her shirt and went to sit on the edge of her bed. Her boots were next. "I needed to speak with Dustin, and we came to an agreement. He will forget all about the duel, as long as he helps me obtain the Faerie heart you desire." She ignored the darkened look in his eyes as she continued to undress and speak nonchalantly. "Once he is healed, we will set out for the Forbidden Forest. Which brings me to you."

"You want me to cover for you," Nox interjected. Harley finally looked up at him and rose from her bed, making her way to her wardrobe for her night gown. "I am more than willing to pay whatever you want if you would help us out. We still have training, and now that the King is watching me for the position of Captain, I can't afford to ruin it by being gone for too long. And you--well, you are very good at hiding things and diverting attention."

She knew he wasn't going to deny her very quickly, if at all. Helping her would benefit them both. It would help clear her reputation without the nasty duel to worry about, thus making their jobs much easier. And making it easier on Nox so he wouldn't have to clean up after her own mess. But it also came at risk. If anyone knew why she and Dustin were going to the forest, many questions would rise. A Faerie heart wasn't used for anything except for tonics and potions, which, were illegal to make and possess. She could be suspected as a witch if she were to be found out.

She slipped on her gown and patted it down before she looked over at Nox. He was motionless except for the single finger that tapped his bicep as he stared at her, eyes unwavering in silence. He seemed to be seriously considering her request. If there were any flaws in her plan, she knew he would spot them before she ever could. He was wise and intelligent. Far more than anyone else she had ever known.

"What you ask of me will not be easy," he finally stated. Slowly, he rose from his seat and sauntered closer to her, his eyes like that of a wolf eyeing its prey. It was then that she knew exactly what he was wanting in return. But it came as no surprise to her. It was his favorite thing to get from her after all. She crossed her arms and lifted her chin as he stopped within inches from her. "I know," she began. "But I have complete faith in you. You know how to solve just about any problem without any consequences. That is something I could never do. I simply don't have the intelligence for it." His lips curved into a pleased grin. He loved to be praised and have his ego stoked. She didn't do it because she cared. It was simply a tactic to resolve his anger for keeping him waiting. She would much rather kiss up to him and do whatever it took to keep him happy than to see him get angry. Nox was the one thing she feared more than anything else.

He inclined his head slightly, his gorgeous golden eyes locking with her own. "Since you put it that way, how could I possibly refuse?" he replied rather softly. His hand moved to cup her chin, pulling her closer towards him as he added more quietly, "Sometimes I believe you have bewitched me, little Harley. I am not the only one with the power of influence." Something stirred inside of her. Whether it was pride or fear, she couldn't quite tell. She knew better than to believe he had fallen for her. Nox was heartless. He only helped her because she was willing to give something in return. If she did manage to get him to feel something for her, it was a great feat. But she knew it was more than likely to be an obsession. And having the Major being obsessed with her was nothing to be happy about. Rather, it made her feel unnerved. It meant he would be possessive over her, and even controlling. And she belonged to no one--was controlled by no one. She did whatever she wanted, and that was how she liked it.

Still, there was a payment that needed to be made. She had asked him for yet another favor, so when he leaned in for a kiss, she allowed it. Although Nox never seemed to tire from their sleepless nights together, Harley didn't feel quite the same. Just as he had no feelings towards her, she had none for him. Each and every time he laid her down and took her, she felt nothing but boredom. Sure, sometimes it felt good when he did things just right, but rarely did she ever enjoy their bouts of selfish passion.

It wasn't always that way. Their first time had been quite exciting for her, although she was nervous as hell, she just couldn't resist his delicious body. But over the years it grew old. It was always the same thing. Selfish and emotionless.

Yet again he laid her down on her bed and immediately removed the gown she had just put on, and she pleased him all through the night. It didn't feel right having such relations for someone she had no feelings for. And she wondered if it would have felt any different if she loved him, or if he loved her in return. But she had no interest in falling in love. The last thing she needed was to belong to a man in a world where men already dominate. Her own pride and ambitions were what drove her. It was like the blood that coursed through her veins and made her very heart beat. It was her ambition and thirst for revenge that made her stand above any obstacle that ever stood in her way. Without it, she was nothing. And her thirst was so strong that she didn't care how she obtained what she wanted the most. Even if she should have to shed innocent blood, she was willing to do it. Nox normally was the one that got his hands dirty so she wouldn't have to, as a way of keeping her record clean. But if it ever came down to it, she would gladly take a life with her own hands.

At this point, Harley no longer considered herself human. She was simply a wolf in sheep's clothing, waiting to strike her enemy the moment they came into reach. And all those around her were naive little sheep, focused on their own problems and the fact that there's a woman among their ranks. They were foolish--too stupid to see that she was only there to bring down the very foundation of their Kingdom. And as long as she had Nox on her side, she knew she would be successful. And revenge was going to be so very sweet.


Finally a new chapter! I apologize to everyone for temporarily taking this story down after publishing 10 chapters. This book has themes so far out of my comfort zone that I wasn't sure if I should continue with the story. But after some thinking, I truly believe it has a lot of potential to be a popular book once it starts getting out there, so I've decided to start working on it again.

Anyway, I hope you all enjoy this chapter! Feel free to leave a comment and vote!

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