Chapter 2

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The recruits all slept in the west wing of the soldier dorms. The other wings were occupied by the more experienced soldiers, yet each one had to share rooms with their fellow troops. Almost none got any privacy, as they all slept, ate, and even showered together. But there was one exception: Harley. As the only female, it was viewed as dangerous and inappropriate for her to share living quarters with the men.

So, the solution was to give her a small shack just outside of the barracks. It only had a single room with everything she needed from a bed to a bathing area. But whenever it was mealtime she would have to join the rest of the recruits in the cafeteria. And when it came time to retire to bed, no one was allowed to enter the shack while she was inside, and so an experienced solider would stand guard the whole night to ensure no man would attempt to attack her for any reason.

However, she did have one visitor that was allowed entry. And he came often.

Just as she was finished preparing for bed, there was a knock on her door. She didn't need to look out the window to see who it was; she already knew. Harley opened the door to see Major Nox standing beside the guard. He was examining the soldier's red jacket as if it were a new style he hadn't seen before.

"Are you coming in or not?" Harley huffed. Nox looked up at her with a little grin, "Why thank you for the invitation." She rolled her eyes as he stepped over the threshold and into the shack. The door closed behind him, leaving the two completely alone. And no matter what they did, the guard outside wouldn't dare speak a word of it. His only duty was to guard from danger, not gossip. That, and, if he dared to say anything, Nox would ensure the man suffered for it.

Harley crossed her arms over her breast as she lowered her chin at Nox, "You're later than usual. I thought you were always on time." The Major stopped a few feet away from her and spun on his heel, his head tilted to the side. "I had some business to take care of. Your challenge against the Captain wasn't just a bluff you know. I had arrangements to make with his Majesty."

Harley blinked. "The King knows?"

Nox nodded, "Indeed. In fact, the whole Kingdom will be watching. As I suspected, everyone wants to see the underdog, who also happens to be the only female soldier, go up against the strongest Captain in the Kingdom. This will be your chance to gain the King's approval, as you wished." He raised his chin with pride and utter confidence. He was the only one that had no doubt she could win the competition. Even Gerald wasn't so confident in her.

Slowly, Harley's red lips curved into a devious grin. "This was part of your plan. If I win against the Captain, the King will have no choice but to notice me," she said. Nox sauntered closer with the grace of a dangerous feline. "And," he added, "he will have no choice but to reward your skill. I have no doubt you will soon find yourself at his side." Nox stopped a breath away from her, his eyes locking with her moonlit gaze.

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