14 | 𝖲 𝖠 𝖥 𝖤

Start from the beginning

I open Roxanna's door as Grey opens mine, and we both climb in, "I can't believe I've officially upgraded to the passenger seat." I mock as he pulls out into the main road. "Don't start that, you are the one who insisted on the backseat." he points as I smile into the side mirror.

A cough sounds from the back, "So when did this start?" she asks moving her finger between me and Grey. "We first met at the Gala, Nadia asked for the Ghost that night, then again the next afternoon and I showed up." I shrug.

"So you're telling me she wanted the Ghost but you came instead? Why?" she asks, "Roxanna, that's because I am the Ghost." I say as I hear a loud gasp. "But the Ghost and the Vipers don't see eye-to-eye, and the Ghost is a man."

"Yeah, the Ghost was the main little slip-up, and I can promise you I'm a girl." I smile, "But you're the Reaper?" she says pointing to Grey. "Yeah, although I don't have a cool origin story like Ivy does." he shrugs.

"So you like really know her personally?"

"Well for maybe a few months at most. But long enough to know a few things."

"What's a good story about her?" Roxanna asks intrigued, Grey looks at me for permission. "It's not like she can tell anybody, she's going to a safe house," I add.

"Well, she saved my life in a Viper warehouse attack, took a nasty cut from it even though she was afraid of a needle. She had to get stitches that morning." he brags.

"So that's what the crutches were about? And, that means you're the one who killed Octavia!" she exclaims, "Chill out back there, it didn't do anybody harm. Besides the meeting after it." I add as he and Grey begin to laugh.

"Oh mourning, that was a good one."

"Please, it was no worse than Dante's reason."

"I feel left out of the joke here." Roxanna awkwardly says, "We didn't know why we were having a meeting so Dante gave his opinion, that was interesting." I explain.

"I get it, he wanted to show off to Sullivan." she laughs.

The rest of the car ride is silent as we all grow too tired to speak, we finally arrive a a beautiful suburban house in a residential neighborhood. "I was expecting a little cabin in the woods or something." I shrug.

"Most people do, that's why it's so suspicious and dangerous." Grey answers, "Maybe you are not all bark after all." I tease as we all grab a handful of items, "You lucky I respect you." he jokes back as we continue inside.

Two muscular men dressed in casual attire greeted us at the door, "This is James and Levi, they'll protect you here, the house is fully stocked with anything you could ever want or need." Grey says. "Any questions?" he asks, Roxanna shakes her head.

"Great, now it's time for us to go, if me and Ivy are spotted here it will raise suspicions," he explains turning on his heels, "Wait, if you don't mind I need to use the restroom, I'll be quick I promise."

"Of course, the first door on the left." Grey points as I hurriedly walk away, exhaling a deep breath before heading inside the bathroom.

I take a minute to stare at my reflection to notice the exhaustion paining my dull blue eyes and the frizziness of my once-straightened hair. Carefully removing my shirt I stare at the indentation on my skin. There lay a snake trailing its way up my chest, burned into my once innocent skin.

I trace my cold fingers along its outlines recalling the horror of that night and the years that followed it.

Seven years ago

The morning's dew lay on the ground as the sun reflected its warm rays upon it. For the first time in months, I felt loved and appreciated for what I was and not what I wanted to be. Here there were no alcoholic parents, all the food I could ever want, and my bruises were beginning to fade into my tanned skin.

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