Taking a peek around a corner Amber looked around to find where the scream came from when her eyes landed on a woman on the ground.

She then heard someone shouting some random nonsense about "fear me" something something, "Abra Kadabra."

Looking at the man he was dressed in a beige buttoned shirt with the top ones undone. The man had a yellow chain, with black hair and a beard to go with.

It snapped inside her head that this man is Abra Kadabra and with him were a few other villains.

The names of them weren't coming to Amber's mind immediately, but it mattered little to her.

'The Justice League should be here soon enough.'

Checking her phone Amber saw that she was running late for her meeting with Nelson. Turning her back to the chaos Amber left, but before she could get far, Amber heard another shrill scream.

Looking over her shoulder Amber's eyes widened slightly seeing that the woman from earlier was screaming again. And it wasn't because she was in danger. Following the woman's line of sight she saw her looking at a child. A child that was right where all the villains are.

A twitch in Amber's fingers began the longer she stared at the endangered child.

'No, I'm not a hero. Not here.' The same thought kept going through her head as she stared at the child.

Looking to see if any of the Justice League members had gotten there yet. Amber saw one who she recognized as the Flash and his sidekick. The name of who she can't remember at the moment.

The two of them were engaged in a different fight and were not able to go and assist the child.

Amber then saw one of the villains reach down to the child weapon in hand prepared to strike.

'Damn it.'

Flicking her wrist three cards appeared in her hand. With immense speed and skill Amber threw the three cards, as they turned into daggers, and hit the weapon out of the villain's hand.

Flicking her wrist again more cards appeared as Amber once again threw the cards, and watched them turn into daggers and heading straight for the villain. The daggers inlodge themselves into the villains clothing pushing him back to the wall and therefore making him stuck.

Afterward, a wire slipped down from Amber's arm, under her sleeve. Amber then used it to lasso the child and tug the child to a safe place before doing the same to the mother.

After the mother was released she rushed to her child and held him close to her. The mother then looked up in search of her savior and for a brief moment, her eyes caught Amber's now glowing red ones.

Seeing as Amber had been caught, she stepped back into the shadows disappearing from the woman's view. But before she disappeared she saw the gratitude that was held in the mother's eyes.

What Amber didn't know was that while rescuing the woman and the child a pair of eyes were watching the entire time.


A ding sounded in the doorway as Amber entered her usual coffee cafe. Looking around Amber was quick to spot Nelson sitting down with a cup of coffee and another across from him.

Making her way over to sit down Nelson looked up at her with an amused face.

"I almost thought you forgot. I thought I was supposed to be the one with the faulty memory."

A small laugh left Amber as her lips twitched upwards at his joke.

"Sorry, I got held up on the way here."

Deck of Cards Series: Life Is like A Deck Of CardsWhere stories live. Discover now