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a/n: Masters of Skies speak in commands. That's why Drakkon always says: "You must..." or "You will..." They don't make requests.

" They don't make requests

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I feel power under my hands. Not my own, but the dragon's. His shoulders are bulky with muscle. They're tense. Loaded with adrenaline that I fear he'll unleash on the men that are running away.

There is filth between our bodies, and so, so much disdain.

When we can no longer hear the men's retreading footsteps, the dragon fills the subway with his own. He's taking me up the stairs, away from my home. I'm carried across the road. It's hard to see any buildings or cars anymore.

The darkness has taken over the city. This time, literally.

It's been a crazy day. I lost my sister, got kidnapped, and watched two dragons rip apart the sky as they warred. The only thing that remained constant during this erratic day is the fucking cold. I can't stop shivering. Meanwhile, this monster walks naked like the king of ice. I guess it's fitting for him to not be phased by the cold. Cold is the aftermath of death, and he's so used to killing.

I wish it would get colder. Maybe that way I'd forget about the hands that are cupping my ass and keeping me pressed against this monster.

He stops walking and scans something before us. After a minute, he sets me down, only to shift and pick me up in his claws. He escalates us to another rooftop, quickly kicking the door in.

I'm drained. I ran and burned through too much adrenaline today that attempting to escape doesn't even cross my mind. To form a strategy, I need to bid my time and gather my energy.

The dragon leaves, and I sit on the icy floor of this abandoned building.


That's all I have left in me. A sleepy, pathetic, harmless, curse word. I didn't have enough food today to put me through all this bullshit.

I'm tired of being dragged around by the over-grown lizard. He either needs to kill me, or let me go. I have things to do, like becoming maggot food or packing my things from the Colony and re-locating with my sister.

I wake up with a sore neck and a grumpy stomach. The dragon is back. He holds a sack and two metal buckets of water.

He drops the sack, and an apple rolls out. Fruits are delicacies nowadays, especially in the winter. I have no idea where he got this from, but I'm biting my pride as I pick the apple up and bite it, too.

My stomach clenches happily as I shovel food into my mouth. The dragon watches, the buckets still hanging from his fists. Steam rolls out. The water was just boiled.

I finish the apple and gingerly fish another one from the sack. He stands there like a predator.

I swipe a hand over the back of my mouth and get down to business. "Do you understand my language? What do you want from me? Why are your people doing this to Earth?"

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