Chapter 25 - Family matter

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5 years later:

"Noo?....Thida...where are you? Daddy's home!"

Ohm's voice echoed throughout the house, but no one answered.

Where were they?
Hmmmm...maybe in the pool.
Thida was such a water rat.
But nothing there either.

Suddenly, an elderly lady with an apron on came from the garden towards the pool, holding a basket of freshly picked mangoes in her hand.

She was clearly delighted when she saw Ohm, came straight up to him and greeted him in a friendly manner.

She was Miss Chairat. Ohm and Fluke's housekeeper for about 4 years and she was probably doing a bit of gardening.

"Hello Miss Chairat, where are my two angels. I thought they would greet me when I got home. After all, I've been away for five days....and where's Tuktuk, he usually comes running first."

Ohm looked a little confused.

Miss Chairat peered over her huge glasses and smiled very kindly.

"I think you should have a look in the hammock. Everyone's been so excited since last night that you are coming back today...I think they didn't sleep much."

Ohm turned around and walked towards the hammock a few meters away from the pool.

Then he looked inside the huge thing that could have easily swallowed even a big guy like him.

Fluke was lying in it. He was fast asleep. In his arms he held a little girl with long black hair, a red short-sleeved dress and a white hibiscus flower in her hair. She was also asleep and snuggled up to Fluke's chest. Her lower right leg showed a fading, long scar that stretched from the side of her ankle almost to her knee. Below them lay a small dog, it was a reddish-brown Thai Ridgeback puppy. He was perhaps 4 or 5 months old and lay snuggled up against the girl's feet. He was also fast asleep.

Ohm's heart leapt. His entire little family was lying so sweetly in this hammock. Completely exhausted from waiting for him.

The little girl, Thida, was now almost 6 years old and had been adopted by Ohm and Fluke about 4 1/2 years ago. The hobby room was simply not meant to remain a hobby room.

Mila and Wila were actually the only ones to blame for this. Their charity project at the time, the renovation of a rather run-down children's home that was in desperate need of money, had caused quite a stir in the press.
Appeals for donations were launched and many celebrities donated large sums to maintain the facility.

Ohm and Fluke were right at the forefront when it came to collecting donations and money, and they were able to hand over a really huge check to the facility at a major press event, which could secure its preservation and renovation for years to come.

On this day, they were given a tour of the premises.
They got to know some of the children, big and small. They were children with sometimes terrible stories, who had been found in garbage cans or in backyards. Simply left behind by their mothers and fathers. Left to fend for themselves. Thrown away like garbage.

There was also a small infirmary in the home.
When Ohm and Fluke saw the sweet little creatures there with bruises, burns or bandaged arms and legs, they both became very sad. None of these children deserved to have to go through such experiences in their lives.

Just as they were talking about perhaps having to start an extra project here, a scream suddenly echoed through the children's ward.

", I said.... sweetheart, you're not supposed to walk on your own."

A little girl, barely a year old, who was probably taking her first steps, staggered out of one of the rooms into the corridor very unsteadily, but exceptionally quickly, trying to follow a ball that must have just bounced away from her.

Her right leg was strangely misaligned, which meant that the cute little thing had to walk half on the back of her foot instead of the sole. The leg looked red and inflamed, but that didn't seem to stop the little one from exploring her world. She must have been wearing a bandage a short time ago, which was now just a small patch on her ankle.

Thida's ball rolled right in front of Fluke's feet. The little girl had followed him unperturbed and, as if he wasn't even there, she clutched Fluke's trousers to help her pick up her ball without falling over.

The children's nurse, who followed at her heels, apologized several times for the little whirlwind.

Fluke didn't care at all how much the lady apologized.
It was all over him in that second.
She was his new love from now on.

When Fluke looked at Ohm, he didn't need any words to know what had just happened. Ohm, too, had fallen madly in love with this brave little creature, who had had no fear of them and, despite his deformity, had taken life as it came.
In this case, Ohm and Fluke came.

From then on, they visited the girl every free minute. Whenever they could manage it, they brought her toys, clothes, sweets and everything else you could only dream of as a child.

They talked a lot with the nurses and caregivers and soon learned that Thida urgently needed an operation to correct her foot deformity, as the skin was already showing dangerous lesions from the strain of walking and the entire bone apparatus was in danger of being displaced.

However, there was no money for this. All donations could only be used for the facility, not for individual children.

Ohm and Fluke did not think twice. They were immediately prepared to cover the costs. Fluke even canceled a role in a series because he wanted to have time to make sure that Thida got everything she needed. By now, all three of them had such an intimate relationship that the girl hardly wanted to let anyone else get close to her.

On the day of the surgery, Ohm and Fluke had been at the hospital all day. They had seen her off in the operating theater and were waiting for her when she came out. No nurse or doctor was allowed to touch her, she screamed and cried until Ohm or Fluke took her in their arms. Only then did she allow herself to be examined or freshly bandaged.

She slept best in Fluke's arms and if he couldn't be at the hospital when it was bedtime on the children's ward, the nurses never had a peaceful night.

He just had to lie down with her for a moment and hold her in his arms and she could sleep and he could slowly withdraw and go home.

One day before she was due to be discharged, she fell asleep in his arms again. Ohm stood next to the bed and looked at Fluke, who was just about to steal out of bed.

No sooner had he pulled away from her, covered her up and pushed the bed rail upwards than they suddenly heard the child say something in her sleep. She didn't say much except a few words like ball, or yes...or no...But at that moment, half asleep, she stretched her little arms and said: "PAPA Noo."

Fluke's eyes immediately welled up with tears. Ohm took him in his arms.

"Yes my don't have to say anything....she'll walk us home....I can't let her go back to the childrens home either. I'll sort it out."

"So we are Daddy Ohm and Papa Noo now?" Fluke asked through tears with a touched smile.

"Thats what it seems like, Papa Noo."

Thanks to their good connections, they actually managed to take Thida into care. The adoption process had been completed in just a few months and Fluke's swing on the beach needed a new sign after the engraving of their wedding date.

It was the day of Thida's adoption.


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