Chapter 18 - An event to remember

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When Fluke woke up from his happy thoughts, he looked around the underground parking garage. As expected, Ohm's car wasn't there yet.

Just as he was about to call him to get a rough idea of when he would be back, the automatic door opened and Ohm drove into the garage. He parked right next to Fluke.

"So, everything done to your satisfaction?" Fluke asked when Ohm had just got out and wrapped his arms around him.

"Oh, what a nice welcome." Ohm said happily.

"And now come even closer Noo, I've been looking forward to this all day." Their lips found each other as if by magic, Ohm literally devoured Fluke with them. Both of them could have stayed like this forever, finally a kiss that didn't have to happen in a hurry between door and door, although the underground parking garage wasn't the safest place either. But it was better than the changing room of a menswear store or under a stairwell in a movie studio.

As they stood there, indulging their need to be close to each other, Fluke was the first to realize that, unfortunately, that wasn't very helpful.
"Daddy much as I love kissing you, I'm afraid my clothes won't lift themselves."

Ohm nodded with little enthusiasm.
"You're right, we'll continue this later."
He walked over to Fluke's car and looked inside. "Wow Noo, you have a lot of clothes."
He knew it would take them forever if they wanted to lug the things up one by one. He thought for a moment.
"Wait, let's make it a little easier, I'll get something."
Ohm had thought of something.
He disappeared behind the service door next to the elevator.

A minute later, he rolled an old hotel luggage trolley through the door. The janitor occasionally lent it out for removals. They hadn't been able to ask now, but he certainly wouldn't mind. They had to load the thing three times until everything, including the shopping, was upstairs. Fluke quickly threw what he needed to cool into the fridge, then dropped onto the couch next to Ohm, who was already exhausted and breathing heavily.

"Noo, that was only three trips and we're already exhausted. When we move into the house, we'll take the removal service!" Ohm said with foresight.

"Best idea ever, Daddy Bear."

"So, here's the job breakdown, if that's okay with you....I'll bring the trolley back now, then I'll make some space in my cupboard and you can whip up something tasty for us to eat in the meantime. We'll meet again for dinner."
Fluke nodded in agreement, gave Ohm a pat on the hair and disappeared into the kitchen.

Ohm did as he had suggested. By the time the meal was ready, Ohm had almost completely emptied one half of his cupboard. The other side was now full to bursting, of course, but it wouldn't stay that way forever.

After dinner, they dragged Fluke's suitcases and bags of clothes into the bedroom. It took almost an hour, but then everything was as good as stowed away. They were able to push 2 empty suitcases onto the closet and one, with things Fluke still had to get to, under the bed.

"Oh dear Daddy Bear, look at this. I've been living here for a few hours and already everything is crammed full. It's a good thing we decided not to lug everything with us."
Fluke reflected.

"You're right. I think it's enough to fetch the most important things, unplug electrical appliances and go and check on the post from time to time."
Fluke agreed with Ohm.

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