Chapter 23 - Fun on the phone (16 +)

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Two days before the wedding, Fluke was sitting on a chair at the kitchen table in his sister's kitchen, sadly clutching a glass of water.

"Oh my God, little brother, don't exaggerate so much. You're going to see your man the day after tomorrow and then you're going to get married, you should be happy."

She patted him supportively on the shoulder and then sat down at the table with a large cup of latte.

"It's just stupid. It's not just the fact that Ohm had to go away again so close to the wedding and I miss him, it's also the fact that he would surely need me by his side right now and I can't leave because of the preparations. We should have postponed." He blew a strand of hair out of his face in frustration and turned his glass back and forth in his fingers pointlessly for the fifth time as he stared even more sullenly into the clear liquid.

"Fluke! Now pull yourself together. You know Ohm would rather be here too. Who could have guessed that his godfather would die just before the wedding. He's not related to Ohm by blood, but he was his father's best friend and Ohm is the sole heir, as he had no other family. It's a shame, of course, that he didn't live here, but in Chiang Mai of all places. It's quite a distance....and....Yes, it's bad for Ohm, you said he was like a real uncle to him, but he has his father with him and now they just have to sort a few things out and sign some papers. It wouldn't have been possible to postpone the wedding. Firstly, the catering and everything else is already planned, secondly, your honeymoon has been booked for ages and thirdly, you won't be free forever. You know Ohm starts shooting the action movie in 6 weeks that he signed up for last week and you're going to start shooting your mystery mini-series with this ghost stuff in 4 weeks. You wouldn't have time to change everything. You'd have to pay a lot more for canceling and wouldn't have any breathing space for at least 4 or 5 months. Isn't there even a series coming up in between in which you're supposed to play a couple in supporting roles? Please stay realistic."

"Oooiiii Nin. I hate it when you're right." Fluke grumbled with a pained expression.

"But...but....I....I just miss him so much...we haven't been apart for more than 8 months and now I've been sleeping without him for 2 days and there will be 2 more nights. I'm going crazy at home alone in the big house...we text every day and talk on the phone before we sleep all the time, but I want to cuddle up to him so much." With his last sentence, his gaze suddenly seemed so dreamy that Nin could only roll her eyes.

"You two really aren't real anymore. How can you have such a crush?" She smacked her forehead with her hand and laughed briefly before her gaze became more serious.

"Brother, I love your brother-in-law at least as much as you love your Ohm. We've been married for almost four years now and unfortunately we sometimes don't see each other for a whole week at a time. He has to look after all the out-of-town branches of his company, but he brings home good money. We have learned to appreciate the moments when we are together and the togetherness is all the better when we haven't seen each other for a while. As you know, we would like to try to have a baby, so he will soon be changing his job at the company, but until then I will have to live with it. You get used to everything and with you it's only 4!!! days."

Fluke now had a guilty conscience. He had completely forgotten that Nin often had to cry after her Chanchai. His brother-in-law was a big, strong, manly guy who carried his wife on his hands, but he was also a terribly romantic and emotional softy when it came down to it.

"I'm sorry Nin. I hadn't thought about the fact that you sometimes suffer so much from the separation. Do you talk on the phone a lot in the evening when he's finished with everything?"

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