Chapter 4 - Noo and Daddy Bear

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The days until the first day of shooting flew by.
Every day, the two wrote each other messages. Sometimes with more, sometimes with less content, but always with 'good morning' and 'good night' and the question of how the other was doing. Fluke had rarely felt so safe with a colleague. It was getting more and more difficult for him to push his feelings aside and he dreaded the possibility of messing up the first love scene in front of the camera, out of excitement, or much worse, because he couldn't stop himself.

Ohm had the exact same thing going through his head, but he just couldn't and wouldn't give up the conversations with Fluke. He was already addicted to it like a drug addict to his dope. They both wondered how it was going to be after the shooting was over. But thank goodness they never had much time to think about it, because the next few days were completely packed with meetings, exercises, photo shoots and press appointments.
Not to mention shooting small scenes where they interacted with their colleagues, filming the teaser and the trailer.

It was incredible how well everyone on set worked together. Prem and Boun bickered constantly at first, almost like their roles of Team and Win, but after a short time these arguments gave way to a complete fusion.
They were almost like identical twins. They cared about each other, helped each other where they could, and brought each other little snacks and surprises to the set.

It was clear from the start to everyone in attendance that the chemistry between these two would be as explosive as it was between Ohm and Fluke. Boun constantly had his hands on Prem's shoulder or thigh at the very least, and Prem basically took care of tucking Boun's hair into place, or zipping up his shirt that was unbuttoned too far. They were really cute together. This was a ship that the fans surely would enjoy, too, if it woud be handled right.

Ohm and Fluke behaved similarly, but outwardly much more reserved than Boun and Prem. They often sat together and talked a lot. Fluke often brought cut fruits for Ohm to the set, as he had often noticed that he had not even had breakfast in the morning and only came to work with a black coffee as a meal. He was seriously worried about Ohm's health, because all the extra strength and swimming training on set was hard to get through on an empty stomach, so a little fruitsalad wasn't quite so heavy in the stomach and Ohm couldn't refuse to eat it when Fluke looked at him with his " That's good for you" look.
The catering on the set was also to be recommended, but there was often hardly time to order something for in between, for a really short break, because the schedule was full and very tight.

After about a week and various scenes between Ohm and Fluke, which led to red ears from time to time, just because of the conversations, came the first scenes in which they had to touch each other.
Ohm often had to get very close to Fluke, brush hair from his face, take his hand or hint at a kiss that was interrupted by someone else, or by himself.
They mastered it all with flying colors and never needed many takes to do it, because the chemistry was so good that it blew the director away on the first day. Ohm and Fluke enjoyed their little world, where they were allowed to be as sweet as possible to each other and sweet-talking in front of the camera was the order of the day.
They regularly looked for quiet corners where they could talk through their lines and agree on how to behave as naturally as possible in the next scene.

The background story of this drama series, which was equally about friendship and love beyond death, as well as gay hate and ignorance, also left its mark on the actors involved.

A young gay couple, who came from completely different worlds, almost like Romeo and Juliet, dies because their love is not allowed and especially the older of the two sees no way out but death, whereupon his lover follows him to death. They had promised to meet again in the next life and their reincarnations meet again 40 years after the death of the two and fall in love with each other.
Times are different now and their love finally has a chance, but the unresolved conflicts of the past have a negative impact on the situation of the two lovers, except for the present time, and make them suffer from nightmares and flashbacks.

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