"I don't have time for pain meds, this is going to hurt, Theo." She said as she cut my shirt open.

I nodded. She moved my right arm up above my head before she quickly opened an Iodine pad and sterilized the area. She pulled gloves on before opening a scalpel.

"Parker, when I say I need you to hand me this tube so I can insert it into his chest."

My Dad threw gloves on before he grabbed the tube and opened the package so she could grab it.

"Stay as still as you can."

She got to work and as soon as the scalpel pierced my skin I wanted to yell out but I couldn't. Her finger entering inside the hole and then cutting through the cartilage to get to my lung didn't make anything better and when she inserted that tube into my chest I thought I was going to pass out. A pain filled scream finally left my chest as the air compressing my lung escaped.

"GAAAHHH... Ahh. MMm." I squeezed Mason's hand.

My father came into the room with some of Margo's nurses who were pushing a gurney.

"Can you carefully get him onto the gurney?" Margo asked Mason, as she got to work taping the tube into place.

Mason nodded. When she was done and the gurney was next to me, Mason carefully hooked his arms under me and scooped me up off the floor. He did it so gently that there was almost no pain.

"Let's get him into a room, set up an IV and give him a dose of Oxy. I want a chest x-ray and a CT. I want to know what we missed because this shouldn't have happened."

I was quickly wheeled away, my hand slipping out of Mason's as I went. There was a flurry of activity as I was given pain meds, and went through different scans and tests. My Dad stayed with me the whole time but Mason was nowhere to be found. I was pretty out of it with the painkillers though.

"Okay, we found some small pinholes near where we had to repair the lung the first time. When you overdid it, it caused the stitches to pull and left pinholes. The air has slowly been escaping into your chest cavity, holding your breath during your breathing spell caused even more to fill your chest and the pressure collapsed your lung. I am going to have to go in again and repair it. As soon as possible. I've already got the OR getting set."

My Dad nodded. "Thank you, Margo."

She left the room and My Dad turned to me.

"Mason... I want Mason." I mumbled.

"I know. I know. Your Father is trying to find him."

My brow furrowed. "Find him?"

"He... He panicked when you were wheeled away, Your Father went after him and I came with you. I haven't heard anything yet."

My face screwed up as I tried not to cry. "He left... I don't want to go into surgery without him."

"I know, baby. I know. I'm here. Mason... I think he's blaming himself a lot right now, he just needs time."

"I want him." I whined.

Margo's nurses came into the room and came to wheel me to the OR.

"No. No. Not without Mase. Please."

"You have to. You have to. I will get him here when you are done. I promise."

"Okay..." I whispered.

His phone rang as I was wheeled out. I closed my eyes against the bright lights and let the painkillers finally relax me.


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