Final Chapter: The Grey Havens.

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Authors Note: Okay. Everyone. This is it. The Final Chapter in the Trilogy. Thank you to everyone who had read this series from start to finish. I hope you have enjoyed this ride just as much as I have. Here we go.

As more and more time passed quietly in the Shire. It had become apparent to Sansa and Bran that Frodo had become increasingly unable to adapt back to the life in the Shire. Much like what happened to Bilbo after coming home from the Lonely Mountain. It wasn't the same. Frodo wasn't the same. And everyone knew it at least, for those who were in the Fellowship. One day though, that all changed. Frodo had gotten a message that Gandalf and Bilbo would be arriving in the Shire, one final time before heading for the Grey Havens. Bilbo had now become the oldest Hobbit to ever live now pushing 130 years.

Sansa, Bran, Summer, and Hodor waited with the Four Hobbits for an approaching cart by the Lake in Hobbiton.

"You okay?" Sansa asked Frodo.

"Yes, Sansa." Frodo answered. "It's just that... Bilbo once told me his part in this tale would end. That each of us must come and go in the telling. Bilbo's journey is now over. There'll be no more journeys for him. Save for one." 

The Cart had approached being driven by Gandalf with two horses. And Arya who was coming up from behind as she rode a horse. And Sansa had noticed Arya's longer dark hair as she grinned at Sansa.

"Arya!" Sansa greeted.

"Hey, Sansa. Bran."  Arya greeted the two. "And Hodor." 

"Hodor." Hodor greeted.

"You doing fine?" Sansa asked.

Arya still kept her smile. "Never better." She answered as she hugged her sister. And then Bran. "Frodo, Sam, Merry, Pippin." 

"Arya!" Pippin greeted. "How's my fellow Minas Tirith defender?" He asked.

"Still alive and still traveling." Arya answered. "Visiting Mirkwood, the Lonely Mountain, the city of Dale, the Iron Hills. Those Dwarves are a rowdy bunch, let me tell you. And when I came to Lothlorien... well..." She looked at Sansa. "Lady Galadriel asked if I wanted to see more. And I'd like to."  

Bran could see where this was going. "You always did love adventures." He said. 

Sansa smiled. She knew what was going to happen. And... she was strangely okay with it. Arya deserved to do what she loved. Why shouldn't she? She then looked at the cart with Gandalf. "You're late." She noted. 

Gandalf stopped the cart, and then looked at Sansa. "A Wizard is never late, Sansa Stark. Nor is he early, he arrives precisely when he means to." He said quoting what he said to Frodo all those years ago.

And Sansa and Gandalf both grinned at each other. "Ah... that never gets old." Gandalf said. 

"It's wonderful to see you, Gandalf." Frodo greeted.

"As it is to see you too, Frodo." Gandalf replied. 

That was around the time that Bilbo popped his head from out of the wagon. Bilbo looked far older. His age clearly showing and his decaying white hair. But unlike Gollum, he looked with joy in his eyes. "Hello, Sansa. Dear Girl." He greeted. 

"Hello, Bilbo." Sansa bowed her head in respect. 

"Well... shall we?" Gandalf asked as Sansa, Frodo and the others boarded the wagon.

Frodo rode next to Bilbo in the Cart as it travelled west through the Countryside. Sansa rode on the other side. 

"Tell me again lad, where are we going?" Bilbo requested Frodo.

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