Chapter 2: The Voice of Saruman.

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Meanwhile. On nearly the opposite side of the Land of Middle Earth, trotting into the Fangorn Forest, were the remainder of the Fellowship. Aragorn son of Arathorn and the Heir of Isildur, Legolas, son of Thranduil of the Forest of Mirkwood, Gimli son of Gloin of the Dwarves along with the White Wizard. Gandalf the White. Accompanying them were the Starks. The Children of Eddard Stark. Jon Snow, the Bastard of Ned Stark, his half sister, the eldest daughter and second oldest, Sansa Stark. Along with Sandor 'The Hound' Clegane. As well as The King of the Kingdom of Rohan, Théoden. Along with Théoden's nephew, Eomer. 

After a successful victory over the forces of Saruman and his Uruk Hai at the battle of Helm's Deep. The Forces of Good were now riding high. But they had unfinished business. For Saruman now lived. And they needed to finish the job. But more than that. They still needed to rescue Arya Stark. Along with Peregrin Took and Meriadoc Brandybuck. They had been captured at Amon Hen and were supposed to be brought before Saruman. And they would've done so, had it not been for the arrival of the Riders of the Rohirrim. And also for the Ent known as Treebeard. 

Sansa was riding on her horse. And thinking about the last battle that she had just endured at Helm's Deep. She was the first person from Westeros to join in on the journey with Frodo, Sam, Merry, and Pippin. When it came to leaving the Shire. 

"Sansa?" Jon asked as he looked at his sister who was looking very spacy. "Sansa!" 

Sansa snapped out of her funk. "Pardon, Jon. What did you say?" She asked.

"Just wanted to make sure you were still with me." Jon clarrified. 

"I'm fine. It's just hard... to think of a calming times when you've been through a lot." Sansa explained. 

"Well... being a part of a big battle has that effect." Jon said. "But you did great for your first battle." 

"Yeah. I guess it had its moments." Sansa admitted.

"Your Second Battle, little bird." The Hound interrupted.

"What?" Sansa asked. 

"Your Second Battle." The Hound repeated. "Or did you already forget about your little show at Stannis Baratheon's attack?" And he didn't forget a scene like that. Wildfire on the Sea. Green Fire all around him. It's what made him leave King's Landing and the service of Joffrey in the first place. 

"I didn't partake in that battle." Sansa pointed out. "I was with the other women in the Maiden's Holdfast." 

"You had to deal with Cersei Lannister." The Hound said. "That's a battle in its own way." 

"I suppose that counts." Sansa replied. Cersei spent that whole night drinking wine and laying on cold hard facts to Sansa about what happens when a city is sacked. And how a woman's best weapon was between their legs. The whole thing had made Sansa uncomfortable. And fearful. 

But that was all in the past now. Now she and her siblings were here in Middle Earth. And the Uruk Hai would've just slaughtered everyone and everything regardless if they had won the Battle of Helm's Deep. Which they almost did. Had it not been for the timely arrival of Gandalf and Eomer. 

"It's a good thing you came through with those horses, Eomer." Jon commented.

"Thank Gandalf." Eomer corrected. "He found us and rallied us back to Helm's Deep. And I also owe you my thanks for healing my Uncle." 

"It was nothing." Jon assured. "Now I can only hope that Arya is fine." 

Arya was more than fine. And so were Merry and Pippin. After they managed to free themselves from their Uruk Hai Captives, they three had found protection from the Ents of Fangorn Forest. With the aid of the Ents, Arya, Merry, and Pippin had lead them to strike a critical blow against Saruman at the Tower of Orthanc. The Ents had all marched at Isengard. Destroying the Uruk Hai Armies, flooding the pits of Isengard, destroying Saruman's War Machines, and trapping Saruman in his own tower. 

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