Chapter 18: Cirith Ungol.

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On the other side of the Ash Mountains, Bran had come out the mind of Summer and was back with the others overlooking the tower of Cirith Ungol, the dark and foreboding tower that served as the way into Mordor. "Well guys, if there's any good news, the armies of Mordor were turned away and slaughtered at Minas Tirith." He announced.

"Well that's good news." Sam commented. "See, guys? Some luck at last." 

"For them, maybe. Not so much for us." Jojen countered. "If the Armies of Mordor have been defeated. Sauron will redouble his efforts to defend Mordor or build up his strength for round 2. Either way, it's going to make rescuing Frodo even harder." He knew how armies worked and when one lost and one won.

"It doesn't matter how many Orcs we slaughter, we've got to go in there and rescue Mr. Frodo." Sam declared ready to charge in. "We'll kill every last Orc in that Tower if we have to." 

"So we just go charging in, swords drawn and kill every Orc?" Meera asked.

"It's not like we can climb." Bran pointed out remembering the last time he climbed a tower in the first place.

"It's probably what we deserve for thinking Mr. Frodo was dead in the first place. Let's go." Sam said as he charged ahead.

Up on the dark tower, Frodo was placed on a table, his hands tied, his shirts removed, and some spiderwebs still in his hair. He woke up to find the situation he was in. Two Orcs behind him named Gorbag and Shagrat were going through Frodo's items. Including the empty scabbard that held Sting. Nothing out of the ordinary. Until Shagrat picked up Frodo's mithril shirt and admired it greatly. 

It attracted the attention of Gorbag. "Hands off! That shiny shirt, that's mine!" He demanded.

"It's going to the Great Eye, along with everything else." Shagrat hissed. 

Frodo listened to them intently, and a thought now began to grow in his head. Panic. Panic because the Ring was no longer in his possession. The Ring was gone! But the Orcs were too busy fighting among themselves to notice him.

"I don't take orders from stinking Morgul Rats!" Gorbag yelled as he pushed Shagrat against the wall.

Shagrat drew out his sword in retaliation pointing the tip at Gorbag. "You touch it, and I'll stick this blade in your gut!" He threatened.

Gorbag pulled Shagrat's sword out of the way and grappled Shagrat. Shagrat grappled back and both began a wrestling match with each other. Until Gorbag thrust him into the wall and in front of the trapdoor. And then Gorbag pushed him down, with Shagrat falling down the ladder, then onto the stairs, right in front of every other Orc in the tower who were minding their own business and looked up to see the commotion.

"The scum tried to knife me. Kill him!" Gorbag demanded. 

The Orcs below all attacked Shagrat, but Shagrat drew his sword on everyone, eventually knocking an Orc out the window. And apparently, Orcs had very short fuses, because that was enough to make everyone start fighting each other with swords and other weapons.

Sam, Bran, Hodor, Meera, and Jojen advanced. But that was when they heard noises.

"What's going on up there?" Meera asked.

"Sounds like they're all fighting." Bran answered. "We should wait a little more, and let them kill each other. That should thin out the herd." 

And by the time the noise died down, the heroes ran towards the tower. "Get your weapons drawn, we're going to need them. Just in case." Meera said as she drew out her bow and arrows.

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