Chapter 3: Celebration is in order.

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Isengard had fallen. And Saruman and Wormtongue finished. Arya, Merry and Pippin saved. Rohan had been saved. It was time to return to Edoras. True to his word, Théoden and the rest of the Rohirrim had returned home. It was not defeat. It was victory. Edoras with haste. And Arya could now see the Capital of Rohan. "Wow. Didn't think the Hold of Rohan would be so... quaint." She said.

"I know. I said the same thing." Sansa replied. "But at least it looks better than the time when we first arrived here." 

Upon arriving at the halls, Eowyn had now walked up through the Hall, offering a goblet of wine to Théoden as she knelt in front of him. Retiring behind her Uncle. Théoden then raised up the Goblet in a toast to the people of Rohan. Who were all gathered in side of the main hall.

Arya, Sansa, Jon, and the Hound stood with the rest of the people and next to Aragorn. 

"Tonight, we remember those who gave their blood to defend this country. Hail the victorious dead!" Théoden announced. 

"Hail!" Everyone had shouted returning his toast. Only Aragorn hesitated a bit before he drank. Remembering all those who had died.

Then it was time to fully celebrate. Long Tables were filled with all different kinds of food and everyone had a tankard for a drink. (And NO Starbucks Cups too.)

Eomer, The Hound, Legolas, Jon, Arya, and Gimli were around one table. And Eomer explaining the rules for a drinking game while the Hound was eating up some Chicken.  

"No pauses, no spills." Eomer explained as he handed a tankard to Legolas. 

"And no regurgitation!" Gimli declared as he lifted his tankard in his mouth. With everyone in the background laughing. 

All the while, Legolas looked around him with straight up confusion. "So, it's a drinking game?" He asked. 

"Aye!" The Rohirrim all shouted. 

Arya grabbed a tankard. "I'm in. I'll take you all down." She declared with all the confidence in the world.

"Arya... don't-" Jon started to say. 

"Come on. If Legolas is going in. I'm going in too. He'll probably pass out after 1 drink. Not even." Arya protested. And she began to drink a tankard.

"Last one standing wins. Heh heh heh!" Gimli laughed knowing that neither Arya and Legolas could beat him as he drank his tankard in one go. 

While Legolas drank his tankard very slowly. He knew full well what he was doing. 

Jon shook his head. "Hound. Make sure to keep an eye on Arya. I need some air." He said. 

"Will do." The Hound replied as he just continued to eat his chicken. 

Jon in the meantime walked by near Eowyn with a goblet in her hand. "Lord Snow." Eowyn greeted. 

"I'm not really a Lord, Eowyn. I'm a bastard." Jon corrected. 

"That hardly matters here tonight in Rohan. And especially as you helped lead us to victory in Helm's Deep." Eowyn pointed out. But she was more fixated on Aragorn. 

Aragorn did approach her and took the offered Goblet. "Westor, Aragorn, Hal." Eowyn said. 

Aragorn looked intensely at Eowyn, and with a little smile he walked away. 

That was when Théoden approached his niece. "I am very happy for you. He is an honorable man." He said.

"You are both honorable men." Eowyn replied. "So are you, Lord Snow." She quickly said.

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