Chapter 1: The Journey to the Cross-roads.

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On a Grey Morning with barren trees in the background, slept 2 young hobbits named Frodo Baggins and his Gardner, Samwise Gamgee. 2 young Hobbits who were on a very dark quest. A Quest to destroy an item of great darkness. The One Ring of Sauron. And were on their way to Mordor. Far from their homeland of The Shire in Middle Earth. And they were not alone.  

Brandon Stark had woken up from his dream that he had of Deagol and Smeagol. And how Smeagol had killed his own Cousin for the One Ring. "Probably better if they never found that Ring." He thought as he looked at his companions. It was very strange how his life had changed so suddenly. 

At one time, Brandon Stark, A.K.A: The Three Eyed Raven was going on his own journey in his homeland of Westeros to discover who he was as the Three Eyed Raven, along with his faithful and loyal servant, Hodor. And also the Reed Siblings, Meera and Jojen Reed. House Reed being one of House Stark's Vassals in the Kingdom of the North. But one day... all of that changed when he, Hodor, Jojen, and Meera. Along with Bran's Direwolf, Summer were transported into the Land of Middle Earth. Which was going through its own troubles at the moment. 

As soon as they arrived at Middle Earth, Bran and Meera were separated from Jojen and Hodor, but luckily... they had encountered Frodo and Sam who were on their way to Mordor to destroy the One Ring. And so it was that Bran and Meera had joined Frodo and Sam in their journey. Especially seeing as how Frodo and Sam had already become friends with Sansa and Arya Stark. Bran's Older Sisters, as well as Jon Snow. Bran's Half Brother and the Bastard Son of Ned Stark. Even if the Starks were separated from the Hobbits. 

It also helped that Bran and Meera were reunited with Jojen and Hodor already back in the Kingdom of Gondor. 

What was not so fortunate was the fact that Frodo and Sam were now travelling with the creature, Gollum. Gollum who was so consumed by the power and corruption of the One Ring. Meera would've liked nothing better than to get rid of Gollum. And the same could be said for Sam. But Frodo insisted that Gollum guide them. 

Bran in the meantime was trying to figure out more of Gollum. Where he came from. What his motives were. All of that. 

"What did you see?" Jojen asked next to him. He had the same abilities as Bran did to see Visions. 

"It was Smeagol." Bran answered. "He looked so full of life. And he had a best friend with him. Named Deagol. They were fishing."  

"Deagol?" Jojen asked. "What kind of ridiculous name is that?" 

"I don't know." Bran answered. "But he was... he and Deagol. They were fishing. And then Deagol fell into the water. And he found the One Ring buried in the muck of mud in the river ground." 

"And then what?" Jojen asked curiously. 

"He killed Deagol. Smeagol did. It was as if the moment he touched the ring, it was all over. There was no animosity between the Hobbits before that point." Bran answered. "That's why we have to destroy the ring. It'll destroy and consume everything into darkness. Whoever gets their hands on it." 

Bran suddenly could see Meera and Hodor who were still sleeping. "I need to see more." He said. 

Bran looked through the visions again. Smeagol was now running towards a cave. In contrast to the peaceful river before. Now Smeagol crawled in a twisted dark cave with rocks and other non-living things. Smeagol was also grimacing, dirty and ragged. 

"They cursed us." Smeagol was saying to himself. 

"Murderer." Gollum said. 

"Murderer they called us." Smeagol said. They cursed us and drove us away." He hugged himself biting his thumb. He opened his filthy hand to show the ring. "Gollum. Gollum. Gollum." And his teeth were now becoming more fang like. More Animal like. And we wept precious. We wept to be so alone." 

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