Chapter 20: The Final Battle.

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Everything was now coming to a head. The Armies of Gondor and Rohan continued their advance to the Black Gate for the final Battle, and the heroes in Mordor continued their trek up to Mount Doom.

Frodo stopped to get some water out of his water bottle. Gasping and struggling but not getting a single drop. He had run out of water. But Sam had noticed. Nearly everyone's water was low.

"Take mine." Sam insisted, giving Frodo his water. "There's a few drops left." 

And Frodo drank up the last drops of water. And with a strange light in his eyes. A thought had just occurred to him. "There will be none left for the return journey." He realized.

But Sam knew that a Return Journey wouldn't be a possibility. "I don't think there will be a return journey, Mr. Frodo." He sadly informed. 

And Frodo looked up. Sadly, he figured that  Sam was right about there not being a Return Journey.

"Well..." Bran said breaking the silence. "Mother always says that we must all do our duty. Even in the face of death itself." He informed.

"Except she was Tully, and you're a Stark." Meera pointed out. 

Hodor looked at Bran with a look. 

And Bran had a feeling that this would be the end. With whatever way it was. "Hodor... thank you for everything. All those times when I was crippled and you stayed by my side." He said. 

"Hodor." Hodor said to Bran. 

Bran then looked at Meera and Jojen. "Meera and Jojen." 

Meera sighed. She looked at Bran. "Brandon Stark. It was a true honor to serve your house and through on this adventure." She said. "Let's go finish it." And everyone continued to stand back up.

Finally, the party of heroes had approached the Black Gate. The Sinister Gate into Mordor. All lining in Formation as they stood starring at the Spiked Gate. Aragorn, Legolas, Gimli, Gandalf, Jon, Sansa, Arya, The Hound, Eomer, Merry, and Pippin all riding in the front.

It made the Stark Sisters look in shock and surprise. "Hey, Gandalf. Um... this seems like a weird thing to bring up, but... when we set out for Rivendell with the original Fellowship, were we going to originally walk through that gate?" Arya asked.

"We were." Gandalf answered. 

"It's not as big as the one back home." Jon commented referring to the Wall where he stood as a Night's Watch member. 

"Well that's reassuring." Sansa said. "I mean he's not wrong. I've never been to the Wall myself. But I've heard tales about it from Father." 

Jon nodded. "Yeah... Father never would've wanted any harm befalling his Girls. The Men of the Watch can be... aggressive. Especially when it comes to women." 

"Can't be worse than King's Landing." Sansa replied.

The Hound stared at it. "If there's a whole horde of Balrogs behind those gates, I'm going to be pissed." 

In the meantime, the other heroes, continued their trudge into Mordor. But Frodo was waving his arm in front of him. As if he was trying to ward off something. Jojen kept looking at the Eye every now and then. But when he did this time, he noticed Sauron's eye turning. "Guys! The Eye is moving towards this way!" He warned.

"Hide!" Meera yelled taking cover. And Hodor crouching down behind a rock, albeit not very well.

"Ouch." Bran complained.

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