Chapter 19: Inspection!

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Aragorn's plan involved it being late at night, alone in the Great Hall. As it turned out, Saruman wasn't the only one who had a Palantir. Denethor had one too. But Aragorn did the one thing that Gandalf warned people not to do. He walked toward the Palantir and uncovered it.

It was all intentional. He had to get Sauron's attention. And this would be the way. As Aragorn closed his eyes away, he picked up the Palantir in one hand. The Palantir glowed its bright orange. When Aragorn opened his eyes he looked into it, facing the eye of Sauron.

Sauron began speaking in Black Speech. It was time for a confrontation for both of them. For Aragorn to face the Dark Lord. And for Sauron to face the Return of the King. 

"Long have you hunted me. Long have I eluded you. No more!" Aragorn declared sternly to Sauron. And he drew out Anduril right in front of the Palantir. "Behold the Sword of Elendil!" His Ace up his sleeve. 

Sauron's armored form appeared in the pupil of the eye. And he had an ace up his sleeve too. As if to say: "Oh, we showing things now? Well behold this!" And the image changed to show Aragorn an image of a dying Arwen on the ground.

Aragorn who looked horrified at the sight of a dying Arwen stepped back, the Evenstar falling from his neck and then shattering on the ground.

The next morning however, would show a different side of Aragorn instead of the horrified version of him from the previous night. Even without the Evenstar necklace, and him seeing his worst fear, Aragorn would still fight on and push forward. He was no longer wearing his Ranger Armor. That life was done. 

Now Aragorn wore the emblems of the White Tree and the Seven Stars with the crown above them. The Armor of Gondor. He rode out from the still recovering Minas Tirith with a combined Army of Gondorians and Rohirrim. And he rode out with everyone in front. Legolas riding with Gimli, Jon Snow riding out with Sansa sitting in front, Arya riding out with The Hound, Pippin had rode out in front with Gandalf, a Gondorian style helmet on his head. And Merry had rode out behind Eomer, a Rohirrim style helmet on his head. Summer also rode out with them.

They all knew what was about to happen. What they were about to do. Buy the Hobbit time to destroy the One Ring. One last offensive and storming the Black Gate.

While back in Minas Tirith. Faramir, who had been told to Guard the City in everyone's absence, was still in the House of Healing. Especially seeing as Arya defended the city already. He could see Eowyn looking out over the city. 

"The City has fallen silent. There is no warmth left in the sun." Eowyn said. "It grows so cold." 

Faramir approached behind her. "It's just the damp of the first spring rain." He said.

Eowyn looked at him. And Faramir looked deep into her eyes and smiled. "I do not believe this darkness will endure." And as Faramir held her hand, Eowyn leaned on Faramir's shoulder, and they stood looking out over the city together. And neither cared that they stood high upon the walls in the sight of many.

Given what had happened to them both and all the pain and struggle they had been enduring in the War of the Ring, well... it seemed a match made in heaven. And Faramir thinking inwards: 'A chance for Faramir, Captain of Gondor to show his quality.'

Back in the Plains of Gorgoroth, Frodo, Sam, Hodor, Bran, Meera, and Jojen had made it down the hill. And a Horn had sounded in the distance. 

Sam had taken notice. "Look! The Orcs!" He noticed flashes of Orcs and Campfires moving away.

"They're moving off!" Bran realized. 

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