Chapter 9: All Shadows Fade.

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Pippin found himself sitting on a bench in the Great Hall of Minas Tirith, sitting in his Full Guard of the Citadel Uniform. His feet dangling from the bench. 

Arya was standing by the side, clearly on the edge and just swinging her sword around. Knowing that it was only a matter of time before the Orcs arrived. 

"What were you thinking, Peregrine Took?" Pippin asked himself. He was a long way from the Shire now. He now was a Tower Guard. "What service can a Hobbit offer such a Great Lord of Men?" 

And Arya stopped swinging her sword and she looked at Pippin as if she couldn't believe that he was serious right now. "Um, Pippin? I hate to tell you this, but he's not a Great Lord of Men. You want to talk to a Great Lord, wait for Aragorn to come to Minas Tirith. Because I can tell you now, it's not Denethor." She said.

"Arya..." Pippin started to say almost sounding scandalous that Arya would say a thing. But it was Arya. She straight up asked Lord Baelish why he was called Littlefinger the first time they met in King's Landing. 

"I'm just saying." Arya replied. "What's the next role for you? Joffrey's Kings Guard? Seriously. Don't do that." 

"It was well done." Faramir said as he approached through a door. Which made Pippin stand up. "A generous deed should not be checked with cold counsel. You are to join the tower guard." 

"He is. Not me." Arya pointed out. "No offense, Faramir. But your Father isn't exactly the Lord I want to serve." 

"Can't say I blame you for that, Arya." Faramir replied. 

Pippin looked down at his Tower Guard uniform. "I didn't think they would find any livery that would fit me." He noted.

"It once belonged to a young boy of the city. A very foolish one who wasted many hours slaying dragons instead of tending to his studies." Faramir informed.

It didn't take a genius for Pippin to realize what he was wearing.

"This was yours?" Arya asked. 

"Yes, it was mine. My Father had it made for me." Faramir answered as he adjusted Pippin's tunic.

"Well, I'm taller than you were then. Though, I'm not likely to grow anymore, except sideways." Pippin said.

And that made both Faramir and Pippin laugh.

"I wish my Father made me that type of stuff. I got stuck with having to wear dresses made by my Mother." Arya said. "And I hated that life. I wanted to be a knight when I was younger. Ride off to put down Rebellions or Targaryen Loyalists. Fighting Wight Walkers. Everyone expected me to be a Lady. But that wasn't me." Then she looked at her sword. "It also didn't help my case that I did certain things that Ladies shouldn't do. Most of them involving pranks on Sansa. And Sewing... it was a damn miracle I actually sewed through the board." 

And that made all of them laugh. 

"It never fit me either." Faramir said. "Boromir was always the soldier." His smile starting to fade as his thoughts drifted to Boromir. "They were so alike he and my Father. Proud, stubborn even, but strong." 

And it reminded Arya a lot of how similar her Father and Robb were. And in a way of how her Father and Arya were like each other. And it gave Arya a thought. "Oh was Boromir strong. He took 3 arrows to the chest and he still fought like a Demon against the Uruk Hai. He kind of reminded me a lot of my Father. And in more ways than one. He REALLY looked like my Father." Arya added.

"I think you have strength of a different kind. And one day, your father will see it." Pippin told Faramir. And that made Faramir smile. Partly at Pippin's faith in Faramir. And also a little bit of a joke that he would have faith his Father would think the same. "Well, we can't put this off anymore." He said. 

Worlds Collide 3: A LOTR/GOT Crossover. The Return of the King.Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz