Chapter 14

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From the teachings of The Radiant Path, the Book of Arcana, written in the Pure Tongue

From the teachings of The Radiant Path, the Book of Arcana, written in the Pure Tongue

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Lasto lîn, amon gwannas; ennas li, ú-ethrad hi a loth

Amidst the stars, shadows may gleam; in the illusion's embrace, truth remains unseen

Eira's eyes slowly fluttered open, the warmth of the morning sun casting a gentle glow across her chamber. She let out a contented sigh, her mind still swirling with memories of the enchanting ball she had performed at the previous night. The image of Prince Aldric, with his playful charm and kind eyes, lingered in her thoughts. As she lay there, she couldn't help but smile at the unexpected camaraderie that had developed between her and the prince during the ball.

Her peaceful reverie was abruptly interrupted by a sudden and insistent pounding on her chamber door. Eira startled awake, momentarily disoriented as she tried to make sense of the urgent noise. Her heart pounded in her chest, and she hurriedly threw off the covers, rushing to the door.

Groggy and still half-asleep, she opened the door to find Prince Aldric standing outside, flanked by a group of maids who bustled past her and into her chamber, clutching various garments. Aldric's expression was a mix of concern and annoyance as he examined her simple attire with distaste.

"My dear Lydia," he said, his voice tinged with genuine frustration, "I cannot believe you are considering wearing that today."

The prince gestured toward her clothes, and Eira looked down at herself in confusion. "What's wrong with my clothes?"

Aldric grimaced slightly. "They're not fit for a guest of the Albion court, especially not one as esteemed as you now are."

Eira let out an exasperated sigh. "Aldric, must we go through this whole charade of extravagant gowns and tight corsets? I'll have you know I can't play properly with my arms restricted with those monstrosities of tulle you've brought in here!" She raised her arms up and down, emphasizing her point.

Aldric chuckled, seemingly unfazed by her sass. "Last night's...arrangement, has changed things. You've become an esteemed guest of the court, and you need to dress the part."

Eira's eyebrows shot up, and she shot him a skeptical look. "Dress the part?"

The maids seemed to be enjoying the exchange, but Aldric was undeterred. "You can't be just a simple violinist anymore, not after last night. You've caught the attention of both courts and as my guest, you'll need to shine like a star."

Eira groaned in protest, but the maids were already at work, holding up dresses and accessories for her to consider. "I still don't see why I can't just be myself. It's not like I need fancy clothes to impress anyone."

Aldric smirked, raising an eyebrow. "Ah, but my dear, it's not about impressing anyone. It's about showing them the incredible woman I already know you are."

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