Chapter 11.5

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Prince Aldric arched an eyebrow, a curious glint in his eyes. She had seen Arin make that same expression numerous times, and it was so similar that it caused her heart to ache. "The only what, Lydia? It sounded like you were about to say 'fire.' Quite an intriguing choice of words, I must say. You see, my cousin Arin often spoke of his close friendship with a fire mage, a fellow mage. He would write letters describing their studies and the mesmerizing displays of elemental magic. But surely, that couldn't be you. At least to my eyes, you are just a human after all, not an elf."

Her mind raced, searching for a way to cover her slip. "Oh, my apologies, Prince Aldric. I was going to say that Arin often told me that I was the only firecracker capable of keeping up with his mischievous adventures."

Prince Aldric studied her intently, his gaze probing for any signs of deception. He seemed to linger on her flushed cheeks, a knowing smile dancing on his lips. "Ah, I see. Firecracker, you say?"

She leveled a look at him as if daring him to call her that again, before changing the topic, hoping it would help her regain her composure. "Prince Aldric, forgive my curiosity, but as someone familiar with the Albion court, are there hidden places within the castle that hold significant importance or secrets?" Eira inquired, her eyes searching his face for any hint of recognition.

A flicker of suspicion passed through Prince Aldric's eyes, his smile tempered with caution. "Hidden places indeed exist, Lydia, but it would be unwise for me to reveal their locations so freely. They hold delicate secrets and treasures, known only to those entrusted with their safekeeping."

Eira nearly rolled her eyes at the sheer unhelpfulness of his reply, and by the look on his face, it had intentionally been worded in such a way. She had hoped for a more forthcoming answer, yet she understood the need for discretion. Before she could press further, a surge of power and a familiar presence caught her attention.

The Dark King of Aerindir was making his way through the crowd, red eyes ablaze with intensity. The air around him seemed charged with raw energy, and whispers of his arrival rippled through the hall. Eira's breath hitched as their eyes locked for a fleeting moment, a connection that seemed to transcend time and space. The intensity of that gaze left her momentarily breathless, a torrent of emotions swirling within her.

With a barely audible voice, Eira found the strength to speak up, her eyes still flickering back to where Darian stood. "Your Highness, how about we embark on our exploration now? Rather than waiting for a later time."

Sensing the tension in Eira's demeanor, Prince Aldric followed her gaze toward Darian, his expression shifting with curiosity. "It seems we have caught the attention of the Dark King himself. Intriguing, isn't it?"

She managed a nervous laugh, her voice betraying a hint of unease. "It seems our conversation has piqued his interest."

A spark of understanding ignited in Prince Aldric's eyes as he glanced between Eira and the approaching Darian. He nodded in agreement, a flicker of amusement playing on his lips. "Indeed, Lydia. Shall we put on a show of our own? After all, the King shouldn't have all the fun."

Eira's senses were heightened by the proximity of Darian and the weight of his gaze upon her. Instinctively, she grasped Prince Aldric's arm, her breath catching in her throat.

"Prince Aldric," she whispered, her voice breathless and urgent. "We should go. Now. Lead the way out."

Prince Aldric's expression quickly changed from amusement to concern, but he nodded in understanding. With a swift motion, he turned, leading Eira away from the approaching figure of the Dark King. As they navigated through the crowd, weaving between dancers and courtiers, Eira couldn't help but steal glances over her shoulder.

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