Chapter 13.5

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Freya and Fëandil hustled through the shadowy corridors back to their quarters, the air charged with urgency. The dim flicker of the torches overhead cast irregular shadows that stretched ahead of them like winnoy branches. 

In hushed a tone, Freya admitted, "I don't know, Fëan. Something about Monty seems off. I can't shake the feeling that he's not telling us everything."

Fëandil, thoughtful, responded, "True, but we need all the help we can get. Let's keep our guard up and hope Monty's secret network turns out to be more valuable than we think."

As they entered their room, Freya's eyes lingered on the tapestry hanging on the wall. It depicted Elindar in its prime, a vivid reminder of what was lost. A faint smile crossed her face as she recalled the day she stumbled upon it at a flea market. A relic of a bygone era, it somehow found its way to her, a tangible connection to a past she was desperate to hold onto.

She turned to Fëandil, her fingers gently tracing the intricate patterns. "No one better disturb this while we're gone. It's a miracle that it even survived and found its way to us."

Fëandil's eyes flickered with nostalgia as he looked at the tapestry, before stating, "Let's gather our things and move quickly. Monty is waiting."

"And why would my Familiar wait for you?" A question cut through the air like a blade, the door to their room swining open with a forceful push.

A silhouette in the doorway remained obscured by the dim light of the corridor. Careful calculated confidence was evident in each step as the man approached, casting a looming silhouette accentuated by the flickering torchlight. Sharp, angular features accompanied by dark eyes bore into Freya with a chilling intensity.

Fëandil, shaken from his initial surprise, found his found before her. "Lynden?"

Freya's head whipped to her brother, shock coloring her features, before turning back to Lynden. The tight-lipped smile lingered on Lynden's face as if relishing the confusion. 

 She felt a nervous laugh bubble from her throat as she quipped, "Don't you know it's rude to enter someone's quarters before knocking?"

Lynden's eyes flashed. "Rude? Freya, you're hardly one to lecture on manners, especially when you were about to run off with my Familiar. What kind of courtesy is that?"

She felt another excuse rise to her lips, more of that nervous laughter coming through, but Lynden cut her off before she could answer.

"I knew the moment the familiar returned without Eira that you two would do something foolish. I've been observing your actions closely, waiting for the right moment to intervene."

Freya's eyes narrowed. "What are you talking about, Lynden? We're doing everything in our power to find and protect Eira. What's your game?"

Lynden remained calm, his expression inscrutable. "Your zealous search for Eira has raised suspicions and drawn unwanted attention. The risks you've taken, the trails you've left behind, they all threaten to jeopardize her mission. I suppose you're not entirely to blame, as I'm sure that foolish skeleton had a part to play in this ridiculous display."

Fëandil stepped forward. "If Eira is in danger, why didn't you tell us?"

Lynden's eyes flickered with a hint of something hidden, a motive not fully revealed. "I had to stop you from doing something reckless, from hindering Eira's progress. She's risking everything, and your interference could have dire consequences."

Freya heard Fëandil murmur an incantation, frost forming at the edges of the room. He was preparing for if this situation went south. 

Trying to diffuse the tension, she probed. "And what makes you think you know what's best for Eira? Why do you get to decide her path and keep us in the dark?"

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