Chapter 19: The Party

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TW: Smut

Evelyn's POV:
Everyone had been very busy the last few days preparing for the party.

When the day finally arrived I was feeling very nervous. Asher had texted me and asked me to come to his office and I had no idea why.

I knocked on the door and waited for permission to go inside.

When I walked inside I saw Asher sitting at his desk with his phone pressed against his ear. He waved me inside and gestured for me to sit.

"Yes raspberries are fine." He said, rolling his eyes. "Yes I'm sure. If you didn't get the shipment of blueberries there's nothing you can do. Make it with the raspberries. Thanks, bye"

Asher looked at me and sighed. "I swear I've told Diane a hundred times to use her own phone number when ordering things but she insists it has to be mine since I'm paying for it. Which leads to me getting eight different calls before noon."

Diane was the person he hired to plan the party tonight. She had taken care of virtually everything.

I laughed "Well, they don't know. Maybe you hate raspberries and would have thrown a fit if they showed up instead of blueberries. Really I think you should take it more seriously. There's nothing more important than which fruit is coming. Maybe you should call back and ask what other options there are." I joked.

He laughed. "I wish there was nothing more important than the fruits tonight. Unfortunately there is. That's why I wanted to talk to you." He said, his tone shifting from lighthearted to serious.

I nodded.

"This party tonight is meant to celebrate our marriage. Your father wants everyone to know that we're married and that means he is now tied to me. He wants people to believe our marriage is real." Asher started, sounding apprehensive.

"Right" I said, unsure of where he was going with this.

"We need to act like our marriage is one we both wanted. Not like your father arranged it." He said.

Understanding dawned on me. He was saying we needed to act like we were in love with the each other at the party.

"I just don't want you to be surprised if I hold your hand or touch your back." He explained.

"I won't be, I get it. But what if people don't believe us, or... don't believe me I guess. What if I don't act right?" I said, worried I was going to ruin everything by acting awkward.

"Don't worry about that. I'll help you be convincing as long as you're okay with that. I don't want to make you feel uncomfortable. If I do just tell me and I'll lay off okay?"

I nodded. "Okay, what time are we leaving tonight?"

"The party starts at 8:00 so we should be there by 7:30. I told Edward to be ready at 6:00. That should be enough time even if there's traffic." He said.

"Okay, um...this is probably a weird question to ask you but how should I wear my hair? I'm sorry, I've never been to a party like this and I don't want to look out of place."

"Stop apologizing for nothing. You can wear it however you like but most of the women will wear their's up. A few will leave it down. Neither is going to look out of place so do whatever you're comfortable with."

"It will probably look better if I wear it mostly down since I'm not super good at updos. Are you sure that's fine?" I asked.

"Yes, I'm sure. You have beautiful hair Evelyn, it'll look good either way. Don't stress about it, I told you whatever you do will be the standard because you're the host."

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