Chapter 4: The Parameters

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Asher's POV:
The last person left the conference room, and I leaned back in my chair sighing.


"Well, that was the longest meeting in history" Zach said.

I didn't say anything in response, but he was right. That meeting was painful.

"Is it finally time for you to speak with your new wife?" Zach asked.


Zach sighed, "You can't avoid her forever, you said you would talk with her tonight and that's what you're going to do"

"You aren't in charge of my decisions" I said

"Whatever man, I'm just not sure you want your wife to hate you immediately." He said "You at least want to give her a chance to learn you have a shit personality before she decides to hate you"

"Haha very funny asshole." He was right though. I got up and started walking toward our private wing, Zach following behind me.

I turned the corner and ran into someone. I started to say something, but then I looked down and saw that the person I had run into was Evelyn.

"Oh my god I'm sorry" she said, looking at the ground.

"It's fine." I grumbled. She looked up in surprise when she realized it was me she had run into.

"Oh god, um I'm really sorry I should have been looking where I was going" she said

"Yes you should have been" I snapped. Zach elbowed me. A silent reminder to not be a jackass.

She looked slightly taken aback by my response but quickly brushed it off.

I heard a throat clear. I looked up and noticed Josh standing there for the first time.

"I was just giving Evelyn a tour of the house" Josh said.

"I see, well you can finish it later I need to speak to her" I said.

Evelyn shot a slightly panicked look toward Josh, who simply gave her a reassuring nod and started walking away.

Zach smiled at Evelyn "You'll be fine. He's being less of a jackass than usual today" and with that he followed after Josh.

Evelyn was looking at the ground again.

"Follow me" I said, and started walking back toward our private wing.

We reached Evelyn's door and I walked into her room. This was the first time I had seen it since Josh decorated it. It was nice, although I wouldn't be surprised if Evelyn wanted to change it to fit her taste.

I walked over to her desk and sat down, gesturing for her to sit as well.

She walked toward her bed and sat down.

"Right well, I have a few things to go over and then I'll leave you be" I told her.

"Okay" she replied.

"First off, you are free to roam the house as you please, however please do not go into my bedroom or office." I said "You may also want to avoid the kitchens as our cook is not the friendliest person but I'll leave that decision up to you."

She nodded her head in acknowledgment.

"Secondly, any information you learn or overhear in this building needs to stay private. You are not to tell anyone and that includes your family. This is very important and I expect you to adhere to this rule, do you understand?" I asked

"Yes" she replied.

"Good, now," I pulled at the card from my pocket and handed it to her. "Hear is your credit card, there is no limit on it so feel free to buy whatever you need to make your room more comfortable for you."

She looked at me with wide eyes. "You're giving me free rein to buy whatever I want?" She asked.

"Yes, however I would appreciate if you notified me of any purchases over $100,000 and consulted me about any purchases over $250,000, I would also like to know if you purchase any property such as land, houses, or vehicles." I said.

She was gaping at me now. "Are you serious?"

"Yes" I said.

"I can buy whatever I want?"

"Yes, as I've already told you." I snapped

"I'm sorry I'm just surprised. You trust me not to spend all your money?"

"Believe me, it would be very hard for you to spend all of my money if you tried." I said. "And I've already told you the parameters for spending. If you don't follow those parameters we will reevaluate and I will limit your spending but for now I'm giving you the benefit of the doubt."

She still had that awed look on her face. " thank you." She stammered.

"You're welcome" I said. "Now just a few more things to go over, when you leave the house you will have at least two bodyguards assigned to you at all times. You're free to drive any of the cars we have in the garage or you can buy a car of your own just remember to let me know so I can add it to my list of property."

"Oh um that won't be necessary" she said looking embarrassed. "I don't have a license"

I guess I shouldn't be surprised. Her father is a piece of shit of course he wouldn't want her to have a way to leave.

"Well, would you like to get a permit so you can learn to drive?"

"Really?" She asked.

"Yes really" I snapped "When I offer things they are not empty offers so please stop asking stupid questions. Do you want to learn to drive or not?"

She stiffened at my change in demeanor. "Yes I want to learn how to drive." She said.

"Alright. You'll need to take the written test in order to get your permit. After that I'll hire someone to teach you how to drive. It will take at least six months from the time you get your permit to when you are eligible for a license so until then you're free to use my driver Edward" I said.

"Okay, thank you" she said.

"Start studying for the test. Let me know when you want to take it and I'll arrange it. That's all I need to speak with you about. Do you have any questions?" I asked.

She shook her head.

"Great, one last thing," I took stood up and took her phone from beside her then sat back down.

"Hey-" she started to protest.

"Relax I'm just entering my contact info as well as Josh and Zach's in case you ever need it." I finished all three of our numbers then handed her phone back.

"Alright, well I have work to do, you're free to do whatever you please for the rest of the night. If you get hungry press the green button on that panel." I pointed to the intercom next to the door. "One of our house keepers will bring you dinner."

I stood up and left without another word.

I hope everyone enjoyed. I'm sorry this took awhile to post I was very busy last week.

Next week is my spring break so I should be able to post at least once.

Thanks for reading everybody❤️

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