Chapter 21: Explaining

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Ash's POV:
After breakfast we said goodbye to Josh and climbed into the limo.

I pulled Evelyn into the seat right next to mine and placed my hand on her thigh.

She froze for a moment before she buckled her seatbelt and sat back in her chair.

I needed to get her more comfortable with casual touching.

Zach stared pointedly at where my hand rested on her thigh but didn't say anything.

Evelyn noticed and shifted uncomfortably, trying to create distance between us.

I kept my hand where it was but didn't pull her back against my side.

We spent the majority of the ride home in silence and after about an hour we arrived at the front gate.

Zach quickly got out of the limo saying he needed to use the bathroom.

I thanked Edward before helping Evelyn out of the car and leading her inside.

Once we were inside I pulled her against me and kissed her long and slow.

I ran my tongue across the seem of her lips and she immediately opened her mouth for me.

I kissed her for over a minute before finally stopping. I pulled away to find her cheeks pink and lips swollen.

She looked fucking gorgeous.

"I have to get to work Angel but I'll see you later tonight okay?" I said.

"Okay" she replied, sounding dazed.

I kissed her one more time before heading to my office to get caught up on work.

Normally I tried to be done with work by 2:00 on Sundays but considering it was already 10:15 that wasn't going to happen.

I answered all the emails that had piled up in my inbox and moved on to going over the profit report for the business from the last quarter.

I got halfway done when Zach knocked on my door and entered the room.

"It's pointless to knock if you're going to barge in before I answer." I said without looking up.

"Whatever, you want to hear this" he said, sitting down in one of the chairs across from my desk.
"We finally got that damn report back from the security company. It wasn't the cameras themselves that were tampered with it was the whole system. They said it was tapped into from an outside location. Same thing happened with the disabled alarm inside. That's why no one saw anything from the guard towers, because there wasn't anybody on the property."

"But that's not supposed to be possible. The whole point of getting the expensive system is that it can't be tapped into." I said.

"They said they're looking into it but that's all they had. They don't know how it happened." He replied.

This was just fucking perfect. The people we had caught a few weeks ago turned out to just be random people hired online to break down the door and record what the inside of the house looked like.

And now the security company was letting us down too.

How the hell was I supposed to figure out who was behind the attacks when all our leads turned into nothing.

"So we know someone is tapping into the system, do we know from where?" I asked, hoping for at least some good news.

"They said it's from somewhere in the state but for a more accurate location they need more time." He replied.

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