Chapter 2: The Wedding

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Asher's POV:
I heard the music start to play, well this was it, I was really going to do this.

I felt Zach, one of my best men, lean forward and then I heard him whisper "Wipe that scowl off your face. You look like you're attending your dog's execution"

"I don't have a dog" I murmured back, annoyed that he was talking to me at all. Why should I smile when I'm being blackmailed into marrying some random girl?

"Jesus, never mind, just fix your face please"

"Whatever" I replied

I tried to paste a somewhat neutral expression onto my face.

The doors at the end of the aisle opened and a girl who looked about 14, with fiery red hair and a pink dress, started to walk down the aisle alongside a middle aged woman with ice blond hair and a dress that matched the younger girl's.

I assumed those were Evelyn's mother and sister, though I wasn't certain.

All I was told about Evelyn before the wedding was that she is 20 years old, she didn't go to college, and she likes to read. It sounds to me like she will be nothing but a nuisance to have around the house, but I didn't have much of a choice.

As the two woman reach the end of the aisle Zach leans in again "Your face is doing that thing again, try thinking of things you like, work, doing your taxes, that kind of thing." I rolled my eyes and looked away from Zach towards the open doors that a young woman just walked through.

She's pretty, I'll give her that, but nothing extraordinary. She has red hair, though it's not as bright as her sister's, pale skin, and she has a small smile on her lips.

Oh god. Please tell me she's not picturing a great love story that originates from an arranged marriage.

As she draws closer to the alter I can see her eyes are a light green color and she has a light dusting of freckles on the bridge of her nose.

Once she reaches the end of the aisle, she hands her bouquet of orchids to her mother and steps up onto the alter.

I can tell she's nervous but is trying to keep it hidden. She's fidgeting with her hands and lightly chewing on her lip. She's still attempting to smile, though now I can see it is completely forced.

So she isn't happy about this marriage either.

She briefly makes eye contact with me but quickly looks away. I realize I've gone back to scowling. I attempt to smile at her, after all it isn't her fault we're in this situation. But I'm not sure it works because she still won't look at me.

Oh well, not like it really matters whether she likes me or not.

The minister proceeds with the ceremony and eventually asks us to produce rings for each other.

Josh, my other best man, hands me the ring that Evelyn's father picked out. It's a silver band with a huge diamond in the center. Of course her father picked a ring that cost over $500,000. Not that it really puts a dent in my bank account, but it's still annoying as hell.

Evelyn takes a ring from her sister and then turns back to face me. The minister tells us each to place the ring on the others hand.

I take Evelyn's hand and slide the ring onto her left ring-finger. She starts to grab for my hand but I quickly snatch the ring from her palm and slip it onto my finger, beating her to it. I don't need her touching me anymore than necessary.

Evelyn looks surprised by my actions but quickly shakes it off. The minister continues until we reach the dreaded "I do" portion of the ceremony.

He asks if I take Evelyn Amara Walker to be wife to which I begrudgingly reply "I do"

He then asks Evelyn if she takes me to be her husband to which she replies "I do"

The minister then announces that I may now kiss the bride.

I would prefer to not kiss the bride but just when I was about to pull away, Josh whispers in my ear "just do it, don't cause a scene"

I know he's right.

I quickly peck Evelyn on the lips. The crowd claps and me and my new wife walk out of the chapel together.

At least it's over with.

Hope everyone enjoyed!

Here's a picture of her ring

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