Chapter 13: Another Movie Night

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Ash's POV:

This was going to fucking suck.

The last thing I wanted to do with my evening was watch a mediocre movie while babysitting Zach, making sure he didn't do anything stupid.

We all got up from the dinner table and made our way toward the theater room. When we passed by our rooms Evelyn spoke.

"I'm going to go change real quick and take out my contacts but I'll be there in a few minutes."

I nodded and continued to the theater room with Zach and Josh. We all sat down on the couch, Josh sat on the end near the wall, Zach sat down next to him before swinging his legs up onto the couch cushion next to him and laying back on a pillow he had propped against Josh's side.

He was clearly doing it so that I had to sit on the other end of the couch and then when Evelyn came in she would be forced to sit where his legs were currently rested. He could just as easily rest his legs on the cushions in front of him.

What. A. Dick.

"Seriously?" I said, glaring at him.

Zach looked at me innocently. "What? I'll move my feet once Evey gets here"

"Her name is Evelyn" I ground out.

Zach grinned "I know her name. Evey is a nickname silly, you know like how your name is Asher but we call you Ash? Like that."

"I know what a fucking nickname is you asshole, but you don't need to be using one for her." I said angrily.

"I don't know, Evelyn is just such a mouthful, I think I'll stick with Evey" Zach said.

"Zach you need to fu-" I was interrupted when Evelyn walked into the theater room.

She had changed into sweats and a loose long-sleeve shirt that had Stitch from Lilo and Stich on the front. She had also let down her hair down and put on glasses.

She looked kind of cute standing there in her pajamas. Cute enough that it took me a moment to realize she was carrying a big pile of blankets with her.

Jesus Christ I needed to get my head out of the fucking gutter. She wasn't cute, she wasn't nice, she would leaving soon and it would be incredibly stupid to start liking her as a person. That would make everything I needed to do a hell of a lot more difficult.

She smiled "I brought some blankets from my room since there's only one good blanket in here" she said as she plopped the pile of blankets down where Zach's feet had been sitting a few moments ago. He had sat up, making room for her just like I knew he would.

Evelyn handed one blanket to Josh and one to me before sitting down with the last blanket. Zach had already "called dibs" on the only blanket we kept in here.

"Thank you" I said as I pulled the blanket over my legs.

She smiled at me, "No problem!"

Josh turned on the movie and we all sat back to watch. Ten minutes into it Zach asked Josh to pause it.

"Who wants popcorn?" Zach asked.

"I'm still stuffed from dinner, thanks though" Evelyn said.

"Same" Josh said.

"Looks like only you Zach" I told him.

Zach sighed dramatically. "Come on, it's not a movie night without popcorn."

"No one said you couldn't make it. Go ahead." Josh said.

Zach flopped against the back of the couch "There's no point if I'm the only one eating it."

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