chapter 23

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The morning owls came and dripped off mail. You didn't expect to get anything, but a letter fluttered down to your lap. It was a small letter, messyish half cursive half print writing. (Anyone else write like that or is that just my weirdness?)

James gasped and leaned on your shoulder to look at the letter. "A letter?"

"A letter?" Sirius echoed.

"A letter?" Remus.

"You just got a letter..." James started, eyeing the other two boys.

"You just got a letter..." Sirius then eyes Remus.

"You just got a letter..."

"Wonder. Who it's. From?" Sirius said as he snatched it out of your hand.

"Hey! Give it back you fucking digledorf!"

The boy's laughed.

"Oh come on, y/n. It's just a letter. What? Is it from your boyfriend?" Sirius teased. You rolled your eyes.

"I'd know if I was able to open it." Sirius dramatically rolled his eyes. He tried to open it, but there must have been a spell on it that prevented him from opening it.

You laugh a little and take it back. To your slight supprise it opened easily for you, there was a small price of paper in it.

James tried to look over your shoulder and read it, like the great 'brother' he is, but you hid it from him.

"Girls." He muttered as he rolled his eyes. "Always so secretive." You snickered slightly at his annoyance and take the small peice of paper out of the envelope.

Meet me at the astronamy tower after breakfast. We need to talk.

That was all it said. The writing was in green pen, dark green. It was probably either Regulus or one of his friends.

"Well, boys. It's been nice having a friendly little morning chat around some nice tea and or coffee, but now I'm afraid I must abandon thee and go elsewhere. G'day, mates." As you get up and walk put of the Great Hall

When you got up to the astronamy tower, you saw someone sitting on the railing, their back to you.

"I'm Mister White Christmas." They said, they sounded kinda bored.

"I'm high on crack, do-do, do-do." You finished. He turned around with a slight smile. It was Evan, one of Regulus and Pandora's friends.

"Hey. Come sit." He gestured for you to sir next to him.

"I don't do sitting on the ledge of high up raolings, but thanks." You replied while going over to lean against the railing next to him, sounding sarcastic as ever. He smirked a little.

"You got sass. I like that." He looked out over the grounds of Hogwarts, just kinda chilling there like sitting on the astronamy tower railing, highly dangerous, do not recommend doing at home, kids, was a typical ever Tuesday thing for him.

"You wanted to talk?"

"Yeah. I know it was a weird way to ask, but I fidn't trust myself to go over to Gryffindor table and not fuck up badly," He laughed a little. "But I just kinda wanted to get to know you. You seem close with Regulus and I wanted to make sure you ain't gonna do nothing sketchy or something." You could tell he was joking, hut there was a kinda of truth behind his joking tone.

"I would never."

"Yeah. You seem like a good person, but you can never be too sure with a Gry-" He cut himself off before he could finish the sentence. "Sorry."

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