chapter 10

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Because it was winter, the Yule Ball was coming up, so fourth, fifth, sixth, and seventh years were learning how to dance.

It was 7:00 o'clock at night, yet the sun was setting-because it's winter. They were doing something diffrent this year, they were doing dance lessons outside. You were watching from the astronamy tower when you saw Sirius had to dance with Minnie for an example. He'd done this last year, too, because he was a great dancer, so he was usual.

You heard someone coming up the stairs, but you didn't worry about it. Curfew wasn't until another three hours. You heard a crash and turned around. On the ground lay the Hufflepuff first year who'd spread the rumor that you and Regulus were dating.

You rushed over to her, checking to make sure she's ok. She was breathing but unconscious. You brought her to Madam Pomfry.

"Holy shit. What'd you do?" Regulus asked with wide eyes as he turned around to follow you.

"I didn't do anything. She came up the atsronamy tower stairs and fell."

"Oh damn."

"Shut up."

You came to the hospital wing doors, and Regulus opened the door. You nodded and sat her down on a bed when madam Pomfry came in.

"Oh, dear. What happened?"

"I don't know. She came up the astronamy tower stairs and fell."

Madam Pomfry felt her head and took her temperature.

"She was outside for a while, then came into the warm castle. She was probably going up to the astronamy tower to get her body used to the sudden change in temperature."

"So she'll be alright?"

"Yes, she just needs rest."

"Thank you."

"No, thank you, dear. If you hadn't been there when she fell, it could've been worse."

You and Regulus walked out of the hospital wing in silence. A very awkward silence. You didn't know what to say and that just pissed you off, because it was making your life just that much more difficult at the moment.

"Y/n, I can't fake date you anymore. Good-bye."

"What?" You whispered to yourself as he walked away.

"That was random." You stood there, watching him sulk off, wondering why he said that.

It was almost lunch, so you made your way to the great hall, sitting down across from Remus, who was reading a book, still thinking about why Regulus had the sudden change of mind with the fake dating.

"What's on your mind, kid?"

"Huh? What'd you say?"

"What's on your mind?"

"Just....nothing. Just thinking too much."

"Thinking about what?" Sirius asked as he sat down next to you.

"Yeah, we've heard little, but we shall know lots." James added.

"Oh please, like your little brains could know anything more than how to plan the perfect prank." You and Remus said together, then fist bumped.

"The square root of 46," Sirius said.

"Is 39." James finished.

"No," Remus said.

"It's not." You finished.

"Whatever." The two boys said like compleate sassy high-school girls.

"But no siriously, what's up, y/n/n? You seem off today."

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