chapter 6 [short!!]

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Regulus's POV

I was sitting at the Slytherin table during lunch, but I wasn't hungry. Even had dragged me down here because he was 'worried about me'. I looked over to the oh so loud Griffindor table and saw my brother and his friends laughing obnoxiously, and I couldn't help but feel a little lonely, I wished I had a friendship with my brother still, or better yet friends like his. But that's just the way life goes, I guess.

The boys stopped laughing and turned around when y/n came over. She looked like she'd been crying. Good, I thought. In case you couldn't tell, I despise that girl with such a passion it could kill someone. Yeah. She seemed to have shook her head or something, it was so subtle I couldn't tell, but then Remus got up and led her out of the great hall.

Now I was hella curious, but I didn't follow, I knew the news of what happened would travel one way or another. I decided to head to potions class.

"Where you going?"


"You haven't eaten anything, though." I ignored my friend and kept walking. I walked past y/n and her brother, they stopped talking, y/n looked to the floor, and Remus glared daggers at me, I glared right back.I rolled my eyes and kept walking.

A few minutes after I got to class, Y/n did, too. Sence, we have to sit right next to each other, I decided to have a little fun.

"Everything all right there, little miss Lupin?" She looked at me with one eyebrow raised. She was clearly trying not to cry.

"Sence, when do you care, Black?"

"I don't."

"Then why are you asking?" Her voice cracked at the end of her sentence.

"Because, saw you crying, and you're clearly trying not to do so right now. Honestly, you're doing better than I thought you would."

"Listen, all I'm saying is that something happend, and you won't have to deal with me being a little bitch for the week after today." This spiked my interest. What could've happened that was so bad she's leaving?

She got her books and quill and turned toward where Professor Slughorn was standing. Class didn't start for another six minutes, so I decided to pry on the topic of sadness even more.

"Soooooo -"

"You're not getting anything out of my bitch. I'm done talking to you." Her voice cracked once more, and she didn't hold her tears back anymore.

"Also," I turned to look at y/n, "sence when fid you call me Little miss Lupin?" I simply shrugged, turning my attention to Slughhorn, who had begun to speak.

We were learning about sleeping draught. Slughorn let us get to work on making the potion, and a minute after I finished getting the supplies, Lupin came over.

"Black, I need your long legs....please."


"The shelf is too tall." I sighed and rolled my eyes, grabbing the ingredient for her.

"Thank you." She slightly shuddered as she thanked me. I nodded and went back to my potion.

Y/n's POV

After Black got you the potion ingredient, you thanked him, because you have manners, and shuddered when you did. Never thought I'd be thanking him of all people. You thought as you walked back to your cauldron. The reason why he wouldn't have to deal with you being a bitch for the week after today, was because your father found out you had a detention. He said that if you got another one that he'd bring you home, snap your wand, and never let you see your friends again.

So after potions, when you had a free period, you went to talk to McGonagall about it.

"I am very aware of your situation, Ms. Lupin, and I will make sure that your father never fond out about anymore of your detentions."

"Thank you, Minnie." You said as you jumped up to hug her.

Now, you dad might seem like a nice person, but not to you. He always favored Remus over you, but you weren't sure why. You had no idea how many more detentions you'd be getting, but if Minnie said he would find out, then he wouldn't find out.

A/n, sorry this is a short chapter. Also sorry that I haven't been updating recently, reason one, writers block is a bitch, reason two, school, reason three, I've been working on this story on my computer that I want to publish on wattpad when it's done. But I hope you enjoyed this chapter.

Forever and Always (Regulus Black x reader)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon