chapter 17

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You and Regulus hadn't talked much since you got back from winter break. The only times you did were to say good morning in the first class you had, or help each other when you really needed it but wouldn't admit it.

"How the hell did you friken cut this thing?" You were making draught of living death (I'm pretty sure that's what it is), and Regulus, along with many others, couldn't cut the bean.

"Squish it with the tip of your blade." You whispered, so no one but Regulus could hear it.


"Just do it." He hesitantly turned back to the bean and fid as you said.

"You're the biggest idiot," he said, turning to you, "yet you're a genius."

"Thank you." You went back to working, and soon enough, you finished.

You brought a vile of the potion up to Professor Slughorn and started to clean up. As you turned to put your cauldron away, you saw Sirius go up to Slughirn with a vile of the potion. It looked perfect. He'd he do it? You asked yourself.

"How'd Sirius get the perfect potion?" Regulus voiced your thoughts.

"Your guess is as good as mine." He shrugged and brought a vile of potion up to Slughorn, looking displeased with himself.

"Why are you so pissed all of a sudden?"

"Nothing." He plopped down in his chair and closed his eyes. He looked tired. You leaned over and ruffled his hair....cause why not? He didn't even open his eyes to swat your hand away.

"Why?" You smiled evily.

"Because you look tired, and why not?"

"You're an evil bitch."

"I know." You said sweetly. He opened his eyes slightly to glare at you. You just smiled sweetly at him before turning to a sketchpad and started to draw.

The bell rang, but you stayed seated, Slughorn had asked you to stay behind so you could talk. You noticed Regulus didn't move when the bell rang. Is he alseep? You lightly shook his shoulder. He opened one eye and raised an eyebrow.


"The bell rang."

"I'm aware."

"Ok." Now it was just you, Regulus, and Slughorn.

"Ahhh, yes. Now, I've asked you to stay behind to talk because you both have some things you could be working on, and you can help each other because one is failing where the other strives."

"So you want us to tutor each other." You said, putting his words more simply.

"More or less." He shrugged. Regulus let out an exasperated sigh.

"No. I don't need a tutor, and she's smart enough to not need one. No."

"Regulus, what point is there in arguing with a teacher?" He turned and gave you a soft glare.

"Because we both know we don't need -"

"So it's settled then, bye, kids."

"But......ahhhhhhhhh! I'm not tutoring you."

"Well, I'm not tutoring you either."


"Good." You nodded to each other and left the classroom. You went to the library to take a few notes for the test in potions you had coming up on potions that you'd learned about all throughout the year. Apparently, Regulus was going in the same direction. Shit.

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