chapter 4

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You woke up to find yourself curled up on the couch with a blanket over you, Sirius and Remus, on the floor. They didn't have any blankets, so you put the one you had on Remus, and you got another one for Sirius.

Sirius and Remus were made for each other, you're convinced of it. They might not realize it, but they might actually be soulmates.

You quietly went down to the great hall even though it was too early for breakfast to have started. You took some books and some other things to keep you busy for now.

When you got to the great hall, there was someone sitting at the Slytherin table. It was Regulus. Of course he's awake, why wouldn't he be at 6:00 on a Saturday? You sarcastically thought as you sat down at your own table. Regulus was also reading a book, and he seemed to be so interested in it he didn't notice you come in, either that or he didn't care enough to see who it was.

You sat down and started to read. You couldn't help but feel like there were eyes watching you, but every time you looked around, there was no one there but you and Regulus, whose attention was still fully on his book.

"Hey there, gorgeous." You looked behind you to see a brown haired brown with a smirk. You looked him up and down, he was wearing a white shirt and a black jacket with black jeans and white tie shoes.

"Hey, Rosier! Get your ass over here. We came to study, not flirt with Griffindors." You heard Regulus yell from across the great hall. The boy rolled his eyes, clearly annoyed that Regulus was trying to drag him away from you, but you were honestly glad. Never thought you'd be grateful for Regulus, but here we are.

"Coming, Reg. See you later, pretty girl." You wanted to slap him. You wanted to slap him so bad, but you didn't. You had more self controll than that.

You watched him leave. When he got to the Slytherin table, you saw Regulus eyeing you suspiciously. He then put a big pile of books in front of the other guy, and you heard him tell the guy to get reading and to take notes.

It seemed like mere minutes before people started to show up for breakfast, when you looked at the time you saw that an hour had passed. It was another few minutes before the boys showed up. They looked a little worried until they saw you.

"Baby Lupin, don't do that to us. You scared the shit out of us when you weren't in the common room this morning, and your roommates hadn't seen you."

"Sorry, Siri, sorry, Rem. And honestly, stop calling me baby Lupin, I'm one year younger than you."

"You're still a baby to us." You rolled your eyes as James and Sirius sat on either side of you while Remus sat across from you.

Halfway through breakfast, you felt eyes staring at you again. You looked up and saw Andrei gazing at you. You made sure no first years were watching you, then you flipped him off. You looked next to him to see someone laughing, probably Rosier. Regulus was reading still but looked over at Even then Andre, then back at his book. He probably processed what happened because his head snapped up in your direction, giving you a nasty glare. You gave him a half smile, half glare, as you flipped him off.

"Damn, Lupin, you be flipping off everyone today."

"Would you feel better if it was your brother and his idiot friends?"

"Yes, yes I would."

"Miss Lupin," you turned around to see Mcgonnagal standing behind you, "The teachers and I are tired of you and Mr. Black's behavior towards each other, no, not you, Sirius. Well, we have come to a mutual agreement that you and Regulus will have detention at 7:00 p.m. tonight in my classroom to try and release some tension between the two of you. And don't even try to argue. It'll only make the detention span longer."

Forever and Always (Regulus Black x reader)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt