chapter 18

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"Bye, Padfoot. Bye, Prongs." You said, hugging the two boys. Well, now I'm a fourth year. You thought, looking back at the bright red train before walking to your mom with Remus. As usual, your dad wasn't there. He was for Remus's first year, but after that, he never showed up.

"Hey, kids. How was your school year?" Your mom asked cheerfully.

"Good." You replied.

"Great." Remus said.

"That's good. I'm sorry your father couldn't be here. Work has got him all tied up."

"Yup. It's fine, mom." Once, just once, I ask you to be there for me asshole.

You apparated back to your house, a pretty normal sized two story house with a bedroom for you, your brother, your parents, and a guest room. You brought your trunk up to your room up to your room and started to unpack when you heard a knock on your door.

"Come in." Remus came in looking mildly supprised.

"You've got a guest." You were hella confused. Who would come to your house the day everyone got out of school? You went downstairs to see your mom standing in the doorway talking to someone.

"Mom?" She turned around with a smile. She walked to the kitchen, letting you talk with whoever was here.

"I'm sorry, I didn't know who else to go to." He looked up, and you saw it was Regulus.

He had a small duffle bag with him, and he looked like he'd been crying. You didn't say anything. You were too stunned to, you just hugged him. He hugged back after a second.

"Come on." You lightly grabbed his hand and brought him up to your room.

You moved your trunk to the floor and sat down on your bed, patting the spot next to you. He sat down, looking at the floor.

"What happened?" He didn't say anything. "Reg, what did he do to you?" You knew his dad had done something, and even though you and Regulus weren't on the best terms, you were still pissed that his dad did something this bad.

When he still didn't say anything, you put your hand on his knee. He tensed up and looked at you. You stood up and offered him a hand.

"You're staying with us for a while, mister." He smiled and grabbed your hand, then leaned down to kiss you on the cheek.

You were stunned, you was not expecting that of all things. You showed him where the guest room was. He would stay there unless your mom had a seacret other non-guest room he could stay in, then brought him downstairs to explain to your mom that Regulus would be there for a while.

"Well, I hope you like it here, Regulus. If there's anything you need, just let me know." Your mom said with a smile before going off to prepare dinner

"Your mom is.....way too sweet for her own good."

"Yeah, I know."

"Wow. That's not who I thought it was. Holy shit, why are you here." Remus said, stopping aburtly at the bottom of the stairs.

"Oh, shut up. Go owl your boyfriend." His face became bright red, and he nearly sprinted outside. Regulus started laughing the second the door slammed shut.

"Who the fuck is his boyfriend?"

"I don't know." He looked at you with a straight face before he cracked up again.

"What the bloody hell, y/n?" His face was red from laughing so much.


"You can't just say, 'go owl your boyfriend' and not know who the boyfriend is."

"Well, at least I didn't say your mom."

"Oh, merlin, if you did that, I'd have to kill you."

"Like you'd try."

"Yeah, yeah, I know." There was a few minutes of silence where it seemed like Regulus was trying to muster up the courage to say something.

"Y/n, can I tell you something really serious?"

"Of course. You can always talk to me, Regulus." He wouldn't look at you, he just kept looking at his hands as he fiddled with his ring.

I...." His face turned a bright shade of red before he lightly sighed and started again.

"I like you. Like, I actually like you, and I have for a while. Since we started fake dating, actually. And, I'm really sorry about being so bitchy to you, but my parents, specifically my father, thought that we were actually dating and was like, hey, this could be good. And I didn't want -"

"Reg, I get it. My dad, too. But, if I'm being honest, I like you, too. A lot. I don't know when I started to like you, probably when we were fake dating, but I like you, too, Reg." He finally looked up to you, smiling slightly.


"Yes, why would I lie about that?" He shrugged, then leaned down to kiss you.

"Aww shit." You heard a loud and playful voice say from the doorway. You saw James looking slightly shocked. He smiled knowingly at you before the smile turned evil. He backed out of the house and closed the door, winking at you as he left.

"I'm gonna kill him. He's gonna die."

"No, please, no murder today."

"You're no fun." He smiled, then put his hands on your arms.

"Getcho cold ass hands off of me, boy." He smiled, then turned you around as he pulled you down on top of him.

"Y/n, will you be my girlfriend?"

"Yes, you dingledorf." You said as you sat up to kiss him. He was smiling widely now, and so were you.

"Oh....he's gonna -"

"No, he won't."

"How do you know?"

"One, he's scared of me slightly, two, he knew I liked you at the ball and promised he wouldn't tell anyone."

"Ok then."

"You know what?" You said after a few minutes.


"We're going on a Disney movie marathon."

"A what movie marathon."

"You have no childhood."

"No, no I don't."

A/n, heyyyyyy, sorry jt's a kinda shortish chapter, and sorry it took so long to publish, Wattpad was being special today. But I hope you liked.

Question:dose anyone do the oreo things with nutter butters? Like, take the cookie off of the top and eat the filling last?

I do that with any cookie that had one cookie, filling, other cookie. But is that just me?

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