chapter 12

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It had been a few days since you arrived at Sirius's house, and his mom seemed to take a liking to you. You hadn't seen his dad a lot, but you suspected that was because of whatever his work was.

"Miss Lupin, Mistress Black requests your presence in the library." He then turned to Sirius, "You are to stay in your room, young blood-traitor."

"Kreacher," Kreacher turned to you before he left, "You can just call me y/n."

"Yes, Miss y/n." Kreacher backed out of the room, closing the door on his way out.

"You remember the way to the library?" Sirius asked casually.

"Yup." Before you left, you realized you had on a hoodie and jeans.

"You'll be fine, just make sure -"


"Yup." You walked out of Sirius's room. At least it's a casual hoodie.

As you made your way to the library, you bumped into Regulus.


"Where are you going?"

"Library. Apparently, your mom 'requests my presence'."

"Ok."  You started to fidget with the ring on your finger, only to notice it wasn't your ring.

"You still have my ring." You said, just before Regulus got out of ear shot.

"Exuse me?"

"You still have my ring." You repeated, holding up your hand. He smirked.

"Took you this long to realize that's not yours?"

"Give it back."

"Oh, I will....eventually. But for now, my mother requests your presence, and you wouldn't want to keep her waiting, would you?"

"Damn you, Regulus." He walked off, a satisfied smirk on his lips.

You walked into the library to see Walburga sitting on one of the couches. She was dressed in a tight black dress, and her hair was up in a ponytail. Her make-up was black lipstick, dark, misty blue eyeshadow, and mascara, with, of course, foundation and concealer.

"Ahh, y/n. Please, come, sit." You nervously sat down on the couch she gestured to, the couch across from yours.

"Do you like tea, dear?"

"Not really, sorry."

"There's nothing to be sorry about. Would you like anything to drink, pumpkin juice, maybe?"

"No, thank you, ma'am."

"Are you sure?"

"Yes, ma'am."

"Alright then. I see you have one of my sons rings." She commented. You hadn't realized you were still messing with it.

"Oh, yeah. He kind of, umm, took one of mine and replaced it with his own. I didn't realize until a few minutes ago."

"Ah, that boy. I'm terribly sorry. How long has he had it?"

"Not very long. And it's fine. He said he'd give it back sometime soon. Besides, he was just being silly that day." Walburga nodded.

"Well, I just brought you down to have a little chat. How are you liking your stay here so far?"

"Oh, it's been lovely. You and your husband are so kind and welcoming."

"Well, I'm glad you're enjoying your time here."

Your anamagus's senses seemed to be kicking in because you heard a shrill scream that sent chills up your spine.

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